I have been missing out. What a garden you have going here.
Sub'd and rep+ (gotta spread it around)
Thanks bigjesse

big frosty buds are on their way.
school is in and im still trying to work the other 5 days of the week so havent been around as much. plus im not growing currently so no updates to get on here and do. im still sneaking around behind the curtains though haha. always gotta keep whodat on his game with the updates. ive got plenty of money to move and start up growing again but might as well ride this out as long as i can and save up more if anything rough happens. i got a few BB seeds to use when i start up again so when ever that is you know it will be some fire haha. hope all is well for both you guys!
All is good LG

Im glad to hear things are good with you bro

sounds like you got it under control hehe
big ups.
Nice setup.. I would hate to have your light bill but looks professional.
Like LG said... It pays for itself

I run both rooms and the rest of the building on under 20$ a day in electricity

gonna say byby to the electric bill next year though! Whodat, say hello to the great outdoors

Iv yet to grow the lovely ganja plants outside, I figure its about time.
Thanks for the complements fssalaska
id be the guy,who gives the ok to sell an house,checking--roofs,wireing,ect....makeing sure things are up to par.
Good trade to know with our hobby eh

I worked on houses for years so building these rooms ain nothing.
biopsych major since its easy haha...house inspector huh? does that mean for constructing houses?
FSS- i would say his electricity is well covered by his growing or business. shit it may even be some kind of business write off haha.
lol not quite, Im good.
I always thought that'd be a good job. Lot's of bits to it. I'm sure you're going to be amazed at the level of shittyness people use when building stuff. You shoulda seen the report on my house when we bought it. ANd that was After the old owner did all the repairs he thought necessary.
Whodat... you out looking for the guy who nicked your bike or what brother. Always feels strange when I'm not getting 'likes' from you. I'm sure you're well.
lol I wont be seeing it again Im sure of that. I think I just hit you up with a good bit of "likes" lol.
I need to go out and get another bike tomorrow because Im sure as hell not driving back from the bar after the sunday football games,,, not walking again either, that sucked big time. Thanks for stopping by bro jig