New 600 Watt Grow Tent


Active Member
I just put together my new grow tent. I built this on a budget because I don't have much money. Using a Sun Systems Reflector with a Hortilux bulb. I bought 2 small desk fans from home depot for 13 dollars each and used those for intake and a fan to cool down the hps bulb. I had another small fan laying around so I used it for an exhaust. I don't have a clue on what temps are in the tent but i stood in the tent with the light on and the tent closed up and it wasnt that hot at all so I know it will be fine but I will get something soon to see exactly what temps are. Planning on growing 6-10 plants in 3-5 gallon buckets. Any ideas or comments please feel free to ask or say something I would like to know if this is not a good setup or not. [video=youtube;F7r7qAbJmjs][/video]


Active Member
i would run the light for 24 hours and come back with it sealed whole time, and check temperature. It should be around 70 in there if you feel comfortable in there and not hot it is probably room temp around 68. Which is fine. Only thing i noticed is what are you going to do for Odor control or is that not a concern for you?


Active Member
Odor control is not a problem I dont have any neighbors or anyone close to my house. I will try what u said and leave it on for 24 hours once i get a temptaure gauge. The tent is in my basement which is 50F all year round even when 100F outside. Which is why I think tempature shouldnt be a problem. Also to the far far right there is a small window with a fan blowing out the air in the room. Too the left of the tent is a door that i leave open sometimes for fresh air to get in.


Well-Known Member
unless you exhaust away from your grow tent and the room it is in then your fresh air wont be FRESH it will be recirculated and depleted of Co2. 6-10 plants is do-able with a 600w but you need to keep them small.


Even though your using a tent the theory remains the same.

Left exhausting into the same room the tent is setup in will quickly increase temps to unmanageable levels and be Co2 depleted .

This is a common mistake that ex-CFL growers usually make when switching to HPS.



Active Member
unless you exhaust away from your grow tent and the room it is in then your fresh air wont be FRESH it will be recirculated and depleted of Co2. 6-10 plants is do-able with a 600w but you need to keep them small.


Even though your using a tent the theory remains the same.

Left exhausting into the same room the tent is setup in will quickly increase temps to unmanageable levels and be Co2 depleted .

This is a common mistake that ex-CFL growers usually make when switching to HPS.

Im guessing you didn't watch the video. Or read my first post. The room that the tent is in is 50F all year round. there is a window to the far right of the room which has fans blowing at the window and also the fans in the tent are directed towards this window so all the exhausted air gets pushed to the other side of the room and is blown out the window. To the left of the tent is a door that is 90% of the time open and plenty of fresh air goes through this door way from a huge open room, and if i really need to I could put a fan in the door way just to bring more fresh air in. Also I have already left the tent on for 24 hours with a tempature gauge in the tent and it never got over 80F in the tent. Thanks for your opionin I will look over my grow room and see if I can tweet acouple things to make it better.


Well-Known Member
i did read your post. Any room regardless of how cool it is at ambient will increase over time.

hope it works out ok for.

When you need the help on ventilation , you have the link i posted to reference .



Active Member
what size tent you got?

I'm thinking of doing a grow like you but i'm gonna need to add a carbon filter in or something otherwise i'll get busted so quick. Any ideas on where you would put a carbon filter in this set up?


Active Member
You won't have any heat issues with ambient temps of 50f, your tent might even get a little cold with that cooltube + vent fan running all the time. I've got the same size closet in my basement (pics in my sig) without a cooltube and my 70cfm vent fan turns on and off to maintain 76f. Summertime's a different story for me though, but if you've got year-round temps of 50f in your basement, that's perfect.

Let us know how your test run works out, you've got a very nice setup there!!! Only thing I would add is a thermo outlet for your vent fan so you have full control over your temps. link