New 600W HPS tent grow. Super Lemon Haze + Arjan Strawberry Haze.


Well-Known Member
Hi WOW the little pocket scope i pionted out to you is shit for lookin at trichs on the plant you cant keep steady enough to see clearly its only any good for takin a small piece and lookin at it on a flat surface!

Sorry bud if youve orded already, i think a large magnify glass of some sort would be better or somethin so im back lookin for 1 my self



Well-Known Member
Hi WOW the little pocket scope i pionted out to you is shit for lookin at trichs on the plant you cant keep steady enough to see clearly its only any good for takin a small piece and lookin at it on a flat surface!

Sorry bud if youve orded already, i think a large magnify glass of some sort would be better or somethin so im back lookin for 1 my self

Lol, ah well it's only 3.67 at the end of the day isn't it. Could always pull off a bif of sugar leaf and then look at the trichs from there.


Well-Known Member
Lol, ah well it's only 3.67 at the end of the day isn't it. Could always pull off a bif of sugar leaf and then look at the trichs from there.
Yeah thats what ive done mate works good....... did it with a sugar leaf and a little popcorn bud broke up!
So its deff worth the 3.67....comes in handy as a mini torch aswell lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hey grow ur lemon is starting to kill it now bro, amazing mate :) they have doubled in size since my last visit, really swelling now :)

regards the flavor and the high of the slh u was talking about a few posts back. imo its the real deal its one of the best tasting i've ever had and quite a few of my mates say the same :) also the high is a good all rounder, nice and strong but ur still able to function unlike the cheeses :)

ps cheers amber ;)


Well-Known Member
hey grow ur lemon is starting to kill it now bro, amazing mate :) they have doubled in size since my last visit, really swelling now :)

regards the flavor and the high of the slh u was talking about a few posts back. imo its the real deal its one of the best tasting i've ever had and quite a few of my mates say the same :) also the high is a good all rounder, nice and strong but ur still able to function unlike the cheeses :)

ps cheers amber ;)
Alright las, glad to have your return. Ha, pretty mad isn't it, they've done some serious growing the last week. You've got me really excited now man, can't wait to smoke some nice cured bud.

Last night came stumbling home and decided I would have a wee smoke so quick dried a bud in the oven and put pretty much all of it in one joint, my head was spinning man, don't think I've been that high off one before, was mad.

Cheers for the kind words as well DirtPoor.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:-PWOWIE!!!!! wow those Super Lemon Haze pokers look like they can glow in the dark they are so bright white with all those HUGE trichomes glistening!!!!!:leaf::-P:leaf:
I bet you can garden in the dark with those beauts...!!!!!!!:-P:leaf::-P
My SLH got chopped, she is dried and curing...alll too fast.. I just hope that the smoke holds up. I know it wont be conissuer at all, but hopefull still good and I will hope and pray for just a hint on lemon (please ganja god please) !!!!!!!!
My husband smoked some and got totally lit up, like dysfuncional. He smokes a lot and can function well with most strains....but this time he was like....ummmm I dont think I can leave the house. HAHahahahahah. he baked it a little in oven like you and I also nuked him a piece. He was like ....this stuff is really strong. He said.. ummm I dont even think you need to dry or CURE it!!LOL...he dont know shit about growing...LOL
Im a wimp, he was the guinnea pig. I am patiently waiting. I think I am going to bust her out on Friday when I go to the MOTORHEAD concert!!!!!!! Lemmy meet LEMMY!!!LMFAO...
Im still looking foward to some Trichome pictures, dude!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace bro,


Well-Known Member
Hey guys it's time for another update!

@ Kiki, the strawberry is looking a little better thanks, still looks like she won't be finishing up soon, no noticable swelling, just a lot of pistil production. Some purpling going on for both strains :D

@ Amber, That's awesome, bet you're absolutely stoked! It definitely is a powerful strain, knocked me on my ass. The 22.9% THC isn't a lie!

Week 10

Super Lemon Haze

Strawberry Haze



Strawberry Haze

Super Lemon Haze



Well-Known Member
WOW - you always put up great pics... I can't wait to see the strawberry finish... I want to order that strain from GHS.


Well-Known Member
wow what kind of camera is that?? nice pics

and cant wait for the strawberry harvest and smoke report!

just for the record looks you are over fertilizing?


Well-Known Member
Thank you kiki, I do try haha. I am looking forward to seeing it finishing now, I think she was put back a few weeks after dieing for a week at christmas. 13 weeks is my prediction for her. Thinking 11 for the lemon.

Think this is my favourite picture of them all :D



Well-Known Member
sorry to just pop in i just wanted to advice you to flush , flush ,flush ... haze are verry delicate lil flowers and dont eat as much as other strains ... they will take an extra week or so due to the overfert,so you got enough time to flush... nice colors on your plants btw... manchester city premier league champ this year ...


Well-Known Member
wow what kind of camera is that?? nice pics

and cant wait for the strawberry harvest and smoke report!

just for the record looks you are over fertilizing?
It's a Canon 450D, my mates but I think he's forgotten I've got it cause I've had it for so long lol. Yeh the strawberry has been fried since christmas, I dropped the nutes considerably and she still hasn't recovered but I'm past the point of caring with that one really, the lemon has had the exact same but she hasn't burnt at all really.

sorry to just pop in i just wanted to advice you to flush , flush ,flush ... haze are verry delicate lil flowers and dont eat as much as other strains ... they will take an extra week or so due to the overfert,so you got enough time to flush... nice colors on your plants btw... manchester city premier league champ this year ...
Man that is what this journal is for, the more advice the better! I'm gonna check the trichs tonight and if there is any cloudy I'll start flushing, if they're still clear I'm going to wait a bit. Thanks for dropping in lads.

EDIT: Thanks for the rep KiKi, I will return as soon as I am able!


Well-Known Member
Lookin sweet mate this pic is my fave

Im lovin them silver lookin buds!

And the SH looks kinda cool close up....fingers crossed them buds of hers start swellin soon! good work



Well-Known Member
Alright pukka, microscope arrive today. To be honest, I don't think it's that bad, just gotta have a steady hand that's all, and you've gotta get real close to whatever you're looking at lol.

The lemon does look silver actually doesn't it, such a frosty plant! I was thinking, if the SH does swell, it's gonna be pretty fucking big lol. Just patiently waiting for that swelling now!


Well-Known Member
lmao, went in the there, dropped the micrscope and it cracked hahaha. What a fucking idiot. Ordered a jewelers loupe instead. Can't tell you all how wonderful it smells in the tent. They make a real great mix.


Well-Known Member
Started the FLUSHHHHH today for the lemon, gonna flush with molasses every other I think. Should get a good weeks worth of flushing in before harvest!


Well-Known Member
lmao, went in the there, dropped the micrscope and it cracked hahaha. What a fucking idiot. Ordered a jewelers loupe instead. Can't tell you all how wonderful it smells in the tent. They make a real great mix.
Started the FLUSHHHHH today for the lemon, gonna flush with molasses every other I think. Should get a good weeks worth of flushing in before harvest!
LOL...oh well least the scope dint cost you a arm an a leg mate!?!?....real stoner moment i bet!
Ive been askin around same as you bud about flushin, just tryin to get ready when the time comes......i read some where in coco you should put 3x your pot size through the coco and you can do it other 2 days.....but im not sure if you do this only once?? and im not sure if you do it once when you 1st start your flush then just water as normal usaul ammount but with your flush water up till harvest, or if you water with flush usual amount then the 3Xpots size at the end.......or if you do the 3xpot size every time(dont think so be way to much) so if i get any good info ill pass it on bro, and you me!

Are you goin to put some pics on now start of flush then some when there done ;) ??
