New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!


Well-Known Member
I took these pics today.. I moved some of the plants around so that the bigger ones weren't shading the little ladies...


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I am thinking about taking a couple plants out of the aero and making them mothers... Im looking for some input on the best way to store them.. Im going to use my t44 (4-4 ft) florescent's for lighting.. What should I use as a medium (perlite, or go hydro etc.) HELP A FELLOW GROWER OUT :) please.. ALL HELP APPRECIATED!
Watch that the nutes you use arent too organic and clog up your sprayer hoses. I have an aero too and use the same 3 part gh but add the floralicious plus along with it and it seems to work well. Make sure to pick the strongest healthiest clone in your batch for a mother. I have my mom in soil but its a pain in the ass to water every 2-3 days for as long as you plan to keep this project. Make sure you give moms LOTS of room to grow huge healthy roots since you'll keep them for years. Aeros should come with a disclaimer and -$400 in price to make up for the cooler you inevitably almost have to get... Goodluck w the grow


Well-Known Member
Heres some updated pics of the mother room!! The leaves on the top of one are turning yellow... anyone ever had that problem?


What are you doing about masking your power consumption? Do you even need to with 4x 600w?

Either way looking ridiculous man. Good Luck! bongsmilie
yeah good question mdma...i was wonderin the same thing. also do you think you really need that 4-4 flouro light in between the 4x600watters above your res??? thats the only comment i got. actually no i lied haha im sure youve mentioned this much earlier but i forget...what kinda nutes you feedin those beauts?? and how often, if at all do you change out your res? and do you ever have problems wit your sprayers gettin clogged up??? you got a beautiful setup goin on my man -jealous LOL. i look forward to continue to learn from grows like this one. good luck man ima keep stoppin by :::puff puff::: pass :joint:


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Hey mdma- I dont really do anything for it. I am in SoCal so what I do is legal :) I should be gettin an electric bill this week though.. Ill post what it is when I get it!

Captain- I only had those fuoros there for a little while.. The system is so big that the 2 lights I was using wasnt enough so I put there there until my 3rd bulb came in the mail today!! :) Ill be puttin some pics up later.. That fluoro and another one is what I am using for my mother room right now! I use all GH nutes.. the full flora series and diamond nectar! I have some other nutes that I will introduce for flowering. I havnt had a problem with the sprayers yet, but I'm sure I will eventually.. I usually change the res every week or so. Ill only change it 3 times for veg. 2 during the veg and once during the transition! Im going to flush between veg and flowering... I think :)
yeah i was wondering why you have that fluoro hangin there but hell yeah bro that makes sense. thnx for that advice on the nutes...definetely gonna give em a try!!! but anyway 4real in all honesty i kept lookin over your last posted pics over and over and over again wonderin why your tubes where declining away from your res...than i look at the next post from smokey and i definetely had the same question got a nice ass setup goin down bro but i [as im sure many other people] am curious as to why your aero tubes are in a downward slope from your res??? if im wrong i apologize but im very curious as too the answer...puff puff pass bro ;) :joint:


Well-Known Member
hey yall.. Honestly I'm not sure.. they are on the stands that came with the machine.. I will look at it in a little while when I get to the room!! I'm going to take some updated pics tonight of everything so we will see then.. do you think that would be a bad thing if they were??


Well-Known Member
I checked them out yesterday and they are pretty even... The water lines are still about half way! Thats a good idea to have them angled in to the res though... With all the water coming out of the lines, they will drain either way but more water flow cant be a bad thing! Sorry I didnt get around to pics yest, I left the camera at home when I went over there!

Ill get some up today!


Well-Known Member
I was planning on flipping the lights today, but I'm going to wait a couple more days for the lil clones to get ready! I will be doing my res change soon so I will post nutes then!!!

SHOULD I FLUSH BETWEEN VEG AND FLOWER??? I WAS THINKING ABOUT FLORACLEAN (which I have) and Ro thats it for the 2 day dark cycle before flowering. Then hitting them with nutes when the lights go on.. any input??? HELP!!!