New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!


New Member
ohh and make sure the mixture of water and alchole is hot, rinse and repeat allow to dry before placing back in system


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: OK so these are the new pictures of the ladies!P6260330.jpgP6260326.jpgP6260327.jpgP6260328.jpgP6260333.jpgP6260335.jpgP6260336.jpgP6260334.jpgI have 3 plants in the middle because ai got too many clones!P6260332.jpgP6260331.jpgP6260338.jpgSome of the leaves are looking like this... Anyone wanna point me in the right direction of the deficiency? P6260339.jpgP6260329.jpgP6260337.jpgThese are the mothers!! They were looking a little blue/green.. I thought this with other symptoms meant a P-K deficiency so I special mixed some GH nutes to give them what they need!!P6260342.jpgP6260341.jpgP6260343.jpgP6260345.jpgP6260346.jpg


Well-Known Member
Indeed- yea for sure.. my email is My girl works at quality social on 6th and F. I have some grime on the bottom of the arms that I want to take care of with the plants still in there.. u think a flush would take care of that?? I wanna get rid of that and the brown on the roots.. I think that all from the little bit of organics I used...


New Member
Hey man if you get a chance san diego hydro is having a sale today and tommorow like up to %30 percent off on morana blvd/ napier street check it out if you get a chance


New Member
hmm im not sure about the flush but im headed to the grow shop today ill ask some questions and get back to u with my results btw my email is indeed22@hotmail drop me a line or a phone# and ill shoot u a text


New Member
your plants look pretty good man te yellow spots can be a potassium or magnesium defiency. it also looks as if allot of your leaves are curling like a rams horn this can be a result of over fertilization your mothers look healthy under tht t5
it looks like you have some uneven growth but dont worry just remeber to trim some of the lower branches on your taller plants to allow light penetration and accelerated growth. it also allows your plant to focus on budding at the top of the plant and not the bottom whch will provide bigger better buds. take a look into topping or super cropping
also keep in mind tht pretty soon your going to have allot of overgrowth trimming lower leaves will help that so space will be an issue ( i have to lay on the ground under my system to do maintance
have any quesions just ask


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude!! Im waiting on an email back from GH about some of their products and crap. As far as supercropping and FIM technique.. I am still debating..But I def want to do 1. Which do you use? I figured that stuff was deficiency so I added some nutes yest. Its at about 550 ppm right now! I wanna go into flowering on wednesday but I have a lot to do before then! Space will def be an issue. I plan on adding a pvc box around the system to attach the trelis to.. I could also manipulate the plants to bend outward to maximize light too!! The room is big, but the system isn't. ya know?


New Member
Black jack. sounds good man thats crossed with jack herer one of my favorite strains. and northen lights.... a classic with good phenotypes.
the great thing about the aeroflow is you can fan the legs out thats always a plus because they are going to get allot bigger and start growing into each other (reffer back to my pics) so yea tieing them down and bending them outward is excatly what i did but dont start doing that until they start growing into each.... with the exception of the growth that is taller than your desired cannopy those should be tied down for an even layer of green
GH's basic 3 part nutes are ok with alright results but they definatly dont push your plants to the max you need to devolup your own recipe over time through trial and error and also controlled co'2 can ultimatly double your yield didnt know if you were using. and if you are only start using it about the 2nd or 3rd week of flowering and only use it during the light cycle sisnce that is the time the plants feed on it.
I would also wait till your plants are a bit taller and all your pruning/trimming is finished to swith into flowering. puning/trimming during flowing can cause your plant to stress and flowering time increased


New Member
and also remember its always better to under feed than it is to over feed
think of it this way it's pretty easy to fatten a skinny girl up.... but its pretty hard for a fat girl to lose weight
not the best example but.....


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA word dude... great analogy! I do have a c02 Gen. That I have set for a low 700 ppm.. During flowering i will kick it up to about 1300ppm. Yea I figure that I will use the best seeds for mothers! I am using the GH flora series with a few other of their products. But for my first time in Aero I figured that I would go with the easy nutes. I think a problem that I'm having is that I haven't changed the res in like 2 weeks. I am going to change the res this week and put in some florakleen or h202 to clean the roots of salt buildups and then re-add veg nutes.. Ill change the water again when I'm ready to flower.. i just need about a day in between. The roots are really looking a little brown and then there are those spots on the leaves. I just want to make sure they stay healthy!! I'll get some pics up tomorrow for sure.. I have my tanks filling with RO water tonight.. hopefully done tomorrow!


Active Member
I tried 35% h2o2 sold as mad farmers oxygenator and it burned a couple of plants. Then I started giving a dose of bleach to my reservoirs after nutrient mixture is a couple days old. ive had no further browning of roots and lots of new root growth. I tried after reading fatman's thread about bleach. also change you reservoir often and thoroughly clean pump,filters, reservoir with water with bleach in it. Comercial farmers add clorine in water to kill pythium.


Well-Known Member
Dude thats a good idea too.. I think thats similar to what this florashield by GH does.. Im going to look at it tomorrow!! On a happier not.. I got my electric bill for the last month of 19/5 and it was only $98


New Member
well wait till next months bill i just got minw and it was $300 i jus added another 1000w light so im expecting enywhere around 500 for next month


Well-Known Member
WHATTTT???? ur bill is ridiculous!!! That was def for the full month of veg n shit! Remember I only have the room running of the breakers.. All of the other lines are disconnected so there is no extra energy being wasted! :)


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Ok so today I push fresh RO water in the res and added H2O2 and FloraKleen and let it run for about 3 hours.. I drained and added fresh RO water with nutrients in there.. While checking out the roots, I came across a wicked spider mite infestation in the roots.. With the Nutes, I added 3/4 oz of Azatrol to the res and I will start spraying under the foliage tomorrow right before lights out! I also kicked up the nutes to about 900 ppm for the end of veg! Ill have some pics tomorrow! I also started germinating those 7 seeds.. they are in paper towels in a dome with a heat mat.. I have soaked rockwool cubes in RO water for 24 hours and will put the seeds in there after the taproot sprouts!



Well-Known Member
New pics of the ladies..P6290008.jpgP6290005.jpgP6290006.jpgI did some spring cleaning and got the boxes out!P6290003.jpgNutrient Cabinet...P6290009.jpgP6290007.jpgP6290004.jpgSHHH.. the moms are sleeping :)P6290002.jpgP6290001.jpg

Update: I took some water out of the res and added RO because the ppms were like 1400.

Todays Readings: pH 5.5 temp 65 ppm 750..... The room is at 45 RH and about 74 degrees with a CO2 ppm of 700!

Comments, inputs and suggestions always appreciated and welcome!