New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, i have the same system as you.. I have it set up and everything but havn't used it yet. I was wondering when the water comes out of the tube, Is the jet stream soposed to hit the 3' in net cups or the bottom corner? im not really sure?


Active Member
I recommend using the Lucas formula (micro and bloom), im on my second run w/ two aeroflo2 30s.Lucas formulas best for itand is recommended for use with ro water. Thats all i use is micro, bloom, and prozyme. a zyme priduct is a must for aero, kills bacteria and keeps roots pearly white. Amazing stuff really. I clone and as soon as roots show i flower, and my plants went in around the 3rd and some are 1.5 ft tall w an average of a foot. My roots have already made there way into my res... Aero is awsome. I used two 1000watters last run and still good but i prefer better light spread and less electricity and heat will be an issue so keep an eye on it. Keep your res temps low like 60. I had to put ice bottles in it every few hours it got hot. I hear 600s run cooler the but be careful not having a zyme product mixed with hot res temps equals root rot my friend. Oh and keep your ppms lower than usual these babys suck up some water like you wouldnt believe then your ppms rise and you get burnt... i keep mine at 850@.7 but thats still abit high im thinking not sure they were hivher last run and i got it bad. Id love to see how the co2 works with aero im gona try ot with my badboy t5s next run. Oh sidelights are amazing with aero i learned tht last run. good luck ill be watching.


Active Member
and kevdogg the best way is to keep the water as low as possible like nft systems so push those drains down so its no more than a cm high. Then wat you wana do is aim the sprayers into the corner but the best way is alil above the corner basically where the water level is on the wall so it hits water and wall. ull notice when it hitz the wall it makes the aero mist and when its hitting water it makes dwc bubbles u want bubbles and mist. More mist but bubbles are a plus.


Active Member
I think me and you should compare notes when this is done im two weeks into flower tho but close timing. Im trying to get 1700 watts of T5 badboys to equal or out produce 2000 watts of hid. But i have 2 12 bulbers over the top and a 4 bulber on each side only two. All quantum Badboys tho they are said to double yield watt to watt, closer to sunlight spectrum lots of other stuff too... But i seen a guy do soil w veg and two 12 bulbers no sidelights get 24 ozs off 6 plants so i figure add the sidelights and go sog cuz we all kno T5s arent best for penetration so mine should be better plus im in the af2. But just experimenting :D.


Well-Known Member
I think me and you should compare notes when this is done im two weeks into flower tho but close timing. Im trying to get 1700 watts of T5 badboys to equal or out produce 2000 watts of hid. But i have 2 12 bulbers over the top and a 4 bulber on each side only two. All quantum Badboys tho they are said to double yield watt to watt, closer to sunlight spectrum lots of other stuff too... But i seen a guy do soil w veg and two 12 bulbers no sidelights get 24 ozs off 6 plants so i figure add the sidelights and go sog cuz we all kno T5s arent best for penetration so mine should be better plus im in the af2. But just experimenting :D.
Don't want to dissapoint you but you'll never produce nugs as dense as HPS light do with T5's HO.


Active Member
people have already got the density w the T5 badboys. Do some research ;). But i have a journal feel free to watch for yourself.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you got some density, nothing comparable to a 600w or 1000w HPS, i have T5HO as well as HPS lights.


Active Member
well that might be true with other T5s buti own T5 badboys and a sunblaze 44 for mums. The 44 is nothing compared to badboys way more heat on the 44 and the badboys put out like 100 lumens per watt on red bulbs. Well ive never tried T5s but i know that 15 grams per plant with 4 plants per square foot in a clone to flower sog is a good yeild w hps, thats my goal w T5s. 60 grams per square foot is very good imo.


Hey everyone. I have a few questions and/or comments for DPAGANO. Are your hoods over the Aeroflo2 60 parallel to the unit or perpendicular to it? I have the same unit and run my hoods Perpendicular. Don't know why I do but I do. I think I feel there is more light absorbtion on the outer rows this way but its just a thought in my head.

You said you are running your pump on a timer. I went to the GH website and they say the only reason for using a timer with this system is for power consumption. Is that the reason or does it have to do with something else. I am familiar with the Stinkbud System but again I do not know the science behind the timer thing. A little help would be appreciated.

Lastly, am I the only one who uses Technaflora on this website? I have had amazing results with BC.
I am using 4 600w lamps (air cooled hoods) running on 220v through a 16 master controller. Strains are Euphoria, Ice and one secret reciepe for now. CO2, RO, Can filter, huge CFM Fan, swamp cooler and 2 litre bottles of ice for the res temps. Currently running between 71 and 75 degrees. Air temps between 70 and 74. I have included a few pics since you were so kind to share also. Mid Week 2 flower. Half clones started 3/31 and half 4/15. Full 2 weeks of veg.

Good luck to all

I am SoBaked



Active Member
i think it works best without a timer, run 24-7. They get plenty of air as is and roots drying is more of an issue, lack of oxygen isnt its an aero system. As far as power consumption your only gona save maybe 5 bucks a month in electricity on a timer...


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone, Thanks for checkin me out!! I always love comments questions and concerns :)

Kev- Honestly, for me, it depends of stage of growth.. i always aim the jets just above the opposite corner, but the water level is diff. I raise it to about half way for veg and lower it all the way for flower!

Drip- Dude thanks for all your help! Thats awesome!! Let me know how the florescents treat ya. I have done the research on the badboys and I have the t44. Not based on anything other than lumen and light spectrum analysis, HPS will always be superior. But if other people have gotten kick ass results.. go with it! Everyone said that I couldnt start seeds in an ez cloner.. look at me now :)

SoBaked- Hey man! Looks like you have an awesome set-up!! For the lights, i made my decision based on 2 factors.. when I put the lights in, I tried the hoods in both directions. Having them perp. only gave me a couple inches more light but wayy less cooling. Having all the lights parallel allow for that cool air to pass through the lights much much much more effectively. I even have a booster fan in between the 4. This will allow me to get those lights closer to the plant and keep them cooler.. Your air cooling is going through all that extra ducting and around corners!! As for your res... Get that temp down and you will see a difference in growth rate!! You want to see it at 65 or so when flowering! Any other questions.. holler at me:)

Thanks again everyone.. I will have new pics of the babies tonight!! They are almost ready to go into the AF.. prob 2 days!


Well-Known Member
Oh and as for the pump thing... to each his own.. My timer is running the pump in the ez cloner right now at 2 min on and 8 off..approx.. In the AF I will have it run for 3 on 5 off. Nothing to do with electricity, just friends with past grows results going both ways. I may try 24 hrs on at first.. Ill keep everyone posted!


Active Member
works good for me i go from clone to flower and in two weeks i have 1.5 ft plants already preflowering the af2 is a beast but you cant veg...


Well-Known Member
haha yea im only vegging for a couple of days! Then straight to flower. oh and as for the 15g per plant dry.. Im looking for more of an oz. minimum :)


Active Member
your also using co2... when i add co2 and sidelights on the front and back and im gona put 4 ft strip lights (redbulb) down the middle in between each chamber im gona go for a 1 oz min too. Cuz then ill be running about 2300 watts.


Damn, and I veg for two weeks.

DPA, Thanks for the input. I will look into rearranging my setup next time. That is good info.

Hey DRIP, I noticed you put the two 30's side by side. I have my 60 staggered to both sides. Do you have any space worries? Again, I vegged for two weeks thats why I'm glad I staggered it.

The pic is from May 1st. First day in the unit from the cloner.



Active Member
sobaked- yeh yours is good if you veg these things get huge fast, i went w two 30s bc two smaller res'are easier to maintain and dump and clean if need be. however i dont change res. But i go from clone toflower sog so i like to not waste any lumens and pack em in real good so works great for sog.

pollaramp- im used to the hids and felt the same way but these badboys are somethin else... also i seen 1300 watts of t5 badboy produce 624 grams dry of great bud. so thats a half gram per watt under t5 in soil without co2 how is a sog w co2 and mad lighting with 2400 watts not possible? even at ghe same rate half gram per watt its 42 oz so 3/4 .oz each. then add co2 1oz is easily attainable.