New Aerogarden GrowJounal **First Timer**


Well-Known Member
The hermi can still give u budds jus with seeds in it jus pluck them out .. But u know I heard if u jus kinda pluck the lil balls as they grow the less seeds come with it but like I ssaid I heard don't know if it works..


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot man :) AG nutes, AG setup..

FYI folks.. i ended up chopping the herm last week - i just have the 1 fem now.. but hopefully after it finishes budding ill take the 4 or 5 clones from it and replant those


Well-Known Member
no? i thought that was the way it worked, :) oh well.. makes no matter ill just start new seeds and clone them right the next time lol.


Well-Known Member
that bITCH is TALL!! jezz you shoulda riped off the aero garden light thing and used cfls or sumthing 2 keep it short :D


Active Member
Wow, they grew again! They are looking healthier than ever. I think you should pluck out the dead leaves since all they do now is taking away the water and nutrients that the other leaves and flowers can have.


Well-Known Member
Yesiirrrrrrrr well after me and a buddy of mine re arranged the grow space, i have plenty of room now and i can just raise the hood if it gets any taller, but luckily it seems like its starting to grow out more than up. and white hairs are popping out of the first 3 nodes from the top. The plants at about 9 nodes total right now / hope i get a pretty good yeild :)


Active Member
hey blackaricanboy, ur plants r nice and uve been helpful to me. i gota aerogarden classic (i ordered the deluxe but they sent me the wrong one). i wanted to ask u a couple questions.

what setting do u have ur AG on? (tomatos, salad greens... etc)

and do the settings change the light time? cuz once i start flowering i gotta go 12/12 but im thinkin unpluggin the system to control the lights myt afffect it. any ideas how i cud change to 12/12 without hurtin my plants? (easiest way apprciated)


magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
hey blackaricanboy, ur plants r nice and uve been helpful to me. i gota aerogarden classic (i ordered the deluxe but they sent me the wrong one). i wanted to ask u a couple questions.

what setting do u have ur AG on? (tomatos, salad greens... etc)

and do the settings change the light time? cuz once i start flowering i gotta go 12/12 but im thinkin unpluggin the system to control the lights myt afffect it. any ideas how i cud change to 12/12 without hurtin my plants? (easiest way apprciated)

Get a figure 8 cord.(old playstation cord). you can purchase it at radio shack. plug it into your AG, then into a timer.


Active Member
i would top that for sure man its gonna double or more in size when you flower...
He's already half way into the flowering stage, that's why his plants are so tall. I think he's are doing just fine. You are so close to harvesting! Keep up the great work! Keep us updated