new and could use a little advice


hello. This is my first grow and just have a few questions and could use any and all help.. First off, i built a room in my garage to grow some plants. its a little too big but used the lumber to its size, 8x8x6 high. And i jumped the gun as far as getting lights, purchased some off of c list, got one 250w mh and two dual lights each has a 400w mh and a 400w hps. I germinated a lot of seeds and have seedlings, they are in soil (fox farm) i put the light (250w mh) a little too close to them at first and burned some a little.. so i raised it up to about 2' above them and they are looking a lil better, but my next batch is stretching right up. Have two batches. one batch is at about day 16 and the other is at day 6. the 16 day batch was started under a florecent light at a buddies, but that ended wuick. lol
so some questions are - what should i do about the ones that are stretching? let them be? buy more lights? (dont want to if i dont have to) or? also, when should i start adding nutes and that? also could use some advice on the transplanting of the plants. when and what size containers?? are grow bags ok to use with dirt.? i will try to put pics up soon. thanks for any and all help.


Rebel From The North
I would tran to a 3gal and would start adding nutes around the 4th week due to the fact your using FF soil, FF has alot of organic
ferts in them and should support your plants for 3 to 4 weeks. sounds like you have enough light to start off, as for the stretch you
could top them but I wouldnt! just let them grow and keep your humidity high having a low RH can make plants stretch. later when
they get little bigger flip them to 12/12 to flower this is done to speed up sexing the plan, once you sex them FEMALS ONLY YOU
WILL NEED TO CLONE THEM, or just keep them in flower to finish. keep your light high theres no need to have them close at sutch
a young age. welcome to RIU


Thanks you very much for the reply. i will take that advice. I am not sure what RH is though? like i said, i am a very new grower, just thouht i would give it a shot. Thanks again.


i realized that after i asked. lol. and i guess it could have had to due with having the lil guys in one of those humidur seedling things. But they were only in it for like 6 days, didnt think they would get that tall that fast, some are like 3-4 inches tall with just some lil leaves on top. pics to come tomorrow i hope. I think i am gonna change the set up a lil. Thanks

Sebastien Blades

Well-Known Member
If i were you I would go buy a cheap shop light from walmart, Or any home improvement store. One warm Bulb and one cool white Bulb for mixed spectrum.Use this for the first 2 weeks, you can keep this light right on top of your plants ( 1 inch) and reduce the stretch and keep them small and bushy also saving you money. If your hoods are not air cooled you will fry them at this stage as you have already learned. The HID lights have to be kept so far away at this stage they make the plant stretch way too much. After 2 weeks you plants will be much stronger and Ready for those HID's. I would section off a small part off your room just for this veg stage. It will allow you to get the most out of that room you have.