New and first autoflowering grow - Step by step help please? :) (Grow journal)


New Member
Hey RIU,

So I'm attempting my first ever grow and it is very DIY at the moment. I'm not paid until a couple weeks from now so everything I have at the moment will have to do.

Last night I planted the seed (I am using Pyramid Seeds' Auto Anesthesia and they recommend to start germination in the pot as opposed to the cup of water method etc), and attached is a picture of my setup. LIKE I SAID, very DIY, but improvements will be made once I have the cash to. The lighting setup will especially be changed but at this point in time I'm waiting for the little guy to sprout so no rush ;-)
Anyhow, I need advice. Ongoing advice, throughout this grow, preferably, and having lurked for a long time I find the community helpful and friendly so I trust I'll get some good tips :)

At this stage, the main things I am wondering are - how often will the seedling need watered? How much do you water it when you do? When would you recommend introducing nutrients? What will the light cycle be like and is it important at all at this stage?

I also have to say, when I have money, it's not enough to splash out on growing this one plant. This is sort of like a test grow for me so I have some practical experience for future grows. So I won't be buying stupidly expensive equipment at this point, but that's not to say don't recommend me lights or anything like that.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, and keep blazing :bigjoint:

EDIT: I am also aware the grow space is a bit too small, but it will be relocated to somewhere more spacious soon, it's just conveniently out the way in a small cupboard just now :p


Well-Known Member
First don't refer to your plant as the little "guy" bad mojo. Depending on the size of your pot is how much you should water. I use 3 gal Smart pots and they get 1/2 gal of water. With respect tofrequency I have found every 4 days to work well. Plants should not be given any nutes for first 3 weekks. When I grow autos I keep my light on 24/7 mh for vegging and hps when she starts to flower. Keep light about 12" away from seedling. Feed every other wayering and always ph your plain water and your nuted water. Keepph 6.8 to 7 in soil. Everything else ask for specifics or learn as you go.
don't over water, don't use miracle grow. im growing 2 anesthesia myself and from what people have told me you should leave it on veg mode just because the site says 8 weeks don't mean 8 weeks. use a nice 3-4 gallon pot bigger pot, bigger plant, more buds. also don't give the nutes till at least 4 weeks old. in flower you should what im gonna do, switch lights from 24/7 to 18/6 leave it in flowering for at least 5 weeks keep checking on her from previous experious growing normal seeds the leaves start to turn yellow. you'll know when or look at chromos and see if their amber. hope this helps in some way.


Well-Known Member
First time I ever heard of seed makers advising on how to grow maybe its just so competitive today, so many breeders with no actual experience, then comes along a new grower ...hook line and sinker,.....? did they ever say why you should not germ in a glass of water first ....No I didn't think so?
auto is an auto, ruderalis, .. of the time anyways my blog on auto advice:


Well-Known Member
When I sow seeds, I fully saturate the soil with water, then let drain. I plant my seed, tamp it down lightly then pour a bit more water over it. Place it under my light, close enough for warmth, and then just buzz off for 2 days.

Some people don't like to use so much water, but you won't have to worry about "when" to water. It should pop up before the soil dries. if you have good drainage and heat, a good seed will jet out.

I love using spray bottles to water seedlings. It has even coverage and makes me feel like a scientist :D