New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

Dreaming of BLT's


Big storm coming so I made two big pans of lasagna. One for us and one for our dear neighbors. The new bitchy entitled outta-state neighbors can eat a bag a dicks. (story for another time)


lots of layers with some game meat sausage and fresh basil leaves
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You can't recreate mother nature all the time. Indoor lights might work with cannabis but a good tomato is harder to grow and get a good result. Outdoors naturally is always a winner. I can't wait for those 1 lb beefsteaks.

We try our best! I tried to grow tomatoes with my weed indoors and failed so hard, couldn’t even get a proper tomato to form before I pulled it out.

Scotland is terrible for tomatoes lol Far too cloudy even during summer months. Doesn’t stop me from trying tho!

Having said that we took the green ones of the plant and ripened them indoors. They were so intense in flavour, most umami tomatoes I’ve ever tried, crying our for a little salt. Great for using in a tomato sauces too!
Do you not have to worry as much about contamination as with some other fungi?
I remember growing magic ones 25 years ago and sterilizing everything was the norm. That was much more like a controlled lab experiment than it was like gardening.

I don't know how much different it is to grow magic ones. But everything has to be clean just like anything else. Sterilization is more for cultures not inoculation.
We try our best! I tried to grow tomatoes with my weed indoors and failed so hard, couldn’t even get a proper tomato to form before I pulled it out.

Scotland is terrible for tomatoes lol Far too cloudy even during summer months. Doesn’t stop me from trying tho!

Having said that we took the green ones of the plant and ripened them indoors. They were so intense in flavour, most umami tomatoes I’ve ever tried, crying our for a little salt. Great for using in a tomato sauces too!

Try growing some Siletz or Siberia varieties. I haven't done it but you might as well be the guinea pig. :mrgreen:
Wonderful to see this new thread and already full of beautiful food.
Thank you Curious.

Fritatta di patata … basically potatoes and eggs. A little onion and chili and gobs of extra virgin olive oil.
Set the bottom stovetop, then finish in the oven to fluff up and crisp at the same time.

Some simple comfort food for the thread - a hot pan of bread pudding


raisins were only supposed to be on one side for the picky fucks...whoops

I dont really measure because it depends on how much bread I'm trying to use up.

Bread - whatever ya got
Eggs -
Milk -
Vanilla extract
Raisins - optional

Bake in a greased casserole dish at 350 for 45 min

Serve warm topped with whip cream and/or drizzle with caramel sauce.
Raisins optional lol. Wife and I were talking about em the other day. Nobody really loves raisins. They arouse hatred in some people but not love. Never met anyone over the age of 4 who was omg gimmegimmegimme raisins. I like them okay but rum raisin ice cream is from Satan no question.
Raisins optional lol. Wife and I were talking about em the other day. Nobody really loves raisins. They arouse hatred in some people but not love. Never met anyone over the age of 4 who was omg gimmegimmegimme raisins. I like them okay but rum raisin ice cream is from Satan no question.
I love raisins. Try soaking some in an alcohol of your choice, yum.
Raisins optional lol. Wife and I were talking about em the other day. Nobody really loves raisins. They arouse hatred in some people but not love. Never met anyone over the age of 4 who was omg gimmegimmegimme raisins. I like them okay but rum raisin ice cream is from Satan no question.
I only will eat raisins right out of the box, absolutely no messing with them and def. not get them wet. Dry and plain out of the box is fine.