The late chef’s 1999 essay about working in Manhattan restaurants. “Gastronomy is the science of pain,” he writes. “It was the unsavory side of professional cooking that attracted me to it in the first place.”
That looks and sounds pretty good. It's one of those thing I genuinely think I could eat every day. Just too many good other stuff to put that to the test.
Yes eel is still kinda popular in NL. Only "kinda" cause it's expensive nowadays, almost double the price of the salmon. There was a whole bunch stacked on the counter next to the mackerel but roughly $25 for a US pound, closer to $40 if I don't drive to get it. Usually served on a bun or used in salads with other fish. I kinda regret not getting at least one. Most of those classic herring fish stands and every fish shop sells smoked eel though.
Back in the 80s many neighbors used to have a diy eel smoker in their tiny backyard (in the city) and we often caught them in local waters. Poor man's fish. So many people did that there isn't nearly as much swimming around as there use to be and laws on catching them are pretty strict. There was even a black market for a while. I drop a pound (traditional amount of eel) in my dad's nearly 80 y/o lap once or twice a year, makes his eyes light up every time. Nostalgia I guess.
This is where I usually buy fish, Urk:
That's in 1920, now it looks like this:
They had their own little island for over a thousand year until we reclaimed so much sea they became mainland. We still say 'on' Urk instead of 'in' as if it's still an island. Aside from a few supporting businesses it's still all about fish.
I didn't really know what a farmers market was until a few years ago when I visited Australia. Turns out it's very similar to what we call 'the' market. Opposed to a supermarket (major chains). Regular market is twice a week in the center of a city, often on a square called 'marketsquare' or 'the market', same place they've been for hundreds of years. Fresh and much cheaper than supermarkets. If I wake up in time tomorrow I'll try to score some eel and flowers and cheese and more strawberries. No I won't be wearing wooden shoes I usually don't get the strawberries cause it's too much. "3 boxes strawberries for 5 bucks", probably the most common phrase on a market here - the veggie and fruit stands still actually shout out what they sell like it's the middle ages.
Made it just in time to the market, fish stand was already packing up. Got two european sea bass. 3 pounds for 10 bucks. Also got some beautiful cherry tomatoes, 3 boxes of strawberries (3 bucks total), sweet pointed paprikas, baby potatoes and fresh thyme. Going to use my diy mini oven, let them steam and smoke a little in cedar… if they fit.
First, late lunch (it’s almost 7pm here), apple crumble pie with strawberries.
I did one Tuesday night but didn't get to eat any. I made it for the lady who went up to Seattle to see her daughter for a few days. She texted me to say it was a hit. I cried over the bowl of Top Ramen I was eating while they enjoyed pulled pork sandwiches.
I did one Tuesday night but didn't get to eat any. I made it for the lady who went up to Seattle to see her daughter for a few days. She texted me to say it was a hit. I cried over the bowl of Top Ramen I was eating while they enjoyed pulled pork sandwiches.
What smoker is that? I just have a digital Masterbuilt but it does a decent job. For years I was a purist and would only use wood or charcoal in an offset cooker. When I used to do a brisket I'd be up every couple hours all night long tending to the fire. I finally broke down and got an electric one and damn it sure made things so much simpler. Just set the temp, time, put chips in the pan, and walk away.
What smoker is that? I just have a digital Masterbuilt but it does a decent job. For years I was a purist and would only use wood or charcoal in an offset cooker. When I used to do a brisket I'd be up every couple hours all night long tending to the fire. I finally broke down and got an electric one and damn it sure made things so much simpler. Just set the temp, time, put chips in the pan, and walk away.
European sea bass. Had to chop their heads and tails to make ‘m fit but worked out great. So much fish in mini oven with some cedar wood makes it steam and keep it moist without having to pack them in. Stuffed with a bunch of fresh thyme and rosemary and covered all over with a mix of lots of salt, some pepper, dried dille, garlic, olive oil, lemon zest. Baby potatoes covered in olive oil + butterm s&p, and rosemary.