New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

I love corn season. Should be a good harvest with all the rain and heat.

Simmer corn on the cob ~7 minutes, butter and salt

For a spice blend add lime zest, tamarind, chipotle, sugar
Dinner from last night. Grilled beef and vegetables from the garden. The beef was a Sierra steak from a chuck roll that I broke down into smaller cuts. It's similar to flank steak. I just wish there was more than one of them as it was really good so we ate it. I made shortcake so we had blueberry shortcake for dessert. I forgot to take a picture but it was delicious so we ate that as well.

Pork belly strips, or speklap (speck patch) as we call them in NL. Only one grocery chain spice blend container left in my kitchen, dry rub for speck patches. Not enough left for these, so I figured I refill it with my own blend. I read the ingredients before and knew I had most. What I hadn’t noticed before is that 73% is salt… yikes. Roughly 5% salt in own mix now.

3 tsp Turmeric
1 tsp each of koriander, cardemom, fenugreek
1 tsp garam masala (my preferred substitute for cumin and cloves but also contains fennel, cinnamon and some of the former)
1/2 tsp each of allspice, ginger, chilipowder

Missing is mace and caraway, but still turned out similar to what I’m used to. Could use a little more salt lol…



I remember a bunch of years ago kukurma was super trendy, a super food. We call it geelwortel, literally translated, “yellowcarrot”, a main ingredient in many common, almost traditional, spice blends here. Makes me think someone at some point tried to convince others “this is not ginger, it’s yellow carrot!”. I also know it as koenjiet, the dutch version of the indonesian version which is actually the malaysian name. Also sold here as koenier, the Surinamese-Dutch name, based on the former. In English recipes it’s often turmeric, something I never even heard of pre-pandemic. I can buy it with any of the names, some within the same store, some on the same package. Prices vary a lot, I can buy a bag of 100grams for 1 euro at a middle eastern / turkish grocery store, or buy this mini pot for relative 4x as much:


Imagine looking for turmeric and all you can find is some Koenjit Kukurma-koenier ground yellowcarrot…