I just got egg rings for Christmas similar to this
did you know that KFC chickens are 6 weeks old when they kill them and get seasoned and cooked, there so pumped full of growth hormones and antibiotics, i won't touch themLol leftover pizza for me it's a dam shame all our KFC suck big time
Now I'm hungry again!ahem, i asked for over easy , not sunny side up, and wheres the short stack to go with?
I do now thanks for that but I'm sorry if one of them knew how to cook it I'd more than likely to eat it I'm already well preserved loldid you know that KFC chickens are 6 weeks old when they kill them and get seasoned and cooked, there so pumped full of growth hormones and antibiotics, i won't touch them
did you know that KFC chickens are 6 weeks old when they kill them and get seasoned and cooked, there so pumped full of growth hormones and antibiotics, i won't touch them
Yup. They are wild to watch grow out.Meat birds only live 6 to 8 weeks.
KFC uses the modern broiler chicken. Fun fact, the Cornish cross broiler was a breed developed in partnership with the United states government between two farmers who won a country-sponsored competition to breed a bird that could turn the smallest quantity of grain into the largest quantity of meat in the shortest amount of time during World War 2. These two farmers were neck and neck for the best chicken, so the government said, "you both win, now kith" and both winning chickens were crossed together to get the contemporary bloated mutant meat bird we all know and love-hate today. Harvested at literal infancy, these birds are incapable of moving themselves to water let alone forage, walk or evade Predators typically by 10 weeks of age. For perspective, the average lifespan of a quality game chicken in captivity is 15 years. Any dual purpose bird will take two years to develop enough protein mass to rival a 10 week old Cornish cross broiler hen. The meat is succulent and tender because the bird never reached even intermediate adulthood to use the muscle and harden it.did you know that KFC chickens are 6 weeks old when they kill them and get seasoned and cooked, there so pumped full of growth hormones and antibiotics, i won't touch them
yes, well no, it got half way and got spatchcockedSo the chicken DIDN'T cross the road...
Si senorita is gUd and kr00nChY... no??Tostada
I'd still eat that.
That was just round one. Wife would think I am hording and not letting her have any.Si senorita is gUd and kr00nChY... no??
De onee ting I see dats wrong wit dat post iz dErE Iz onee tree toasty tatas and I can eat 5 wit no problem0...
Jus sayin'...
SeeeX is gUd too...