new at this dont no what kind of plant this is????


can anyone tell me what this is007.jpg008.jpg009.jpg010.jpg
i got them from a friend about 3 weeks ago.
what can i do to make them grow better and how long till i can cut them down lol


Well-Known Member
No, he was kidding.
That is a Pomegranate tree.
It will take 3 or 4 years before the branches are strong enough to support fruit.


Active Member
I don't know what strain.. but the plant looks nice , keep it up man ! Im pretty sure its a sativa though ! cause indica leaves are usually fatter n wider .


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or are there two plants there?

I was gonna say they look like a hybrid to me - pretty much 50/50 indica/sativa. Pure sativa would likely have thinner leaves than that. One on the left looks she's got a bit of a deficiency, maybe check her ph. Get the lights closer to the plants. You've got at least another 6 weeks to go, maybe 8+ if they are more to the sativa end of things.


Well-Known Member
You cant tell a strain by just looking at it. Its like a dog, you need a pedigree or would have had to have bought the seeds or clones from a reputable source like a dispensory/vendor or a seed company. You can however tell if its sativa or indica dominant. A sativa is a typically much taller than an indica and an indica dominant strain is typically shorter and much bushier.


You cant tell a strain by just looking at it. Its like a dog, you need a pedigree or would have had to have bought the seeds or clones from a reputable source like a dispensory/vendor or a seed company. You can however tell if its sativa or indica dominant. A sativa is a typically much taller than an indica and an indica dominant strain is typically shorter and much bushier.
thanks good to no.. any help is good help


Well-Known Member
thanks Bigby and what should the ph be at or around?
any help is good help thanks
And yes theres 2 there lol

Ph should be about 6 if growing in soil. Maybe a bit lower in hydro (say upper fives). I tend to drop mine down to about 6.5 and then expect the nutrients to drop it a little more (really need to get a digital ph meter, I just use the liquid indicator at the moment).
It looks to me to be an indica/sativa hybrid. The leaves look thin fingered but not thin enough or the whole plant leggy enough to be an entirely sativa plant. Good that it is budding now though, the longer you let a plant with sativa genetics go the taller they get in the stretch. Do you have another light source besides that one floro tube? An HPS or even some more floro's would be appreciated by any flowering plant. If not your yield will suffer in the end but if it's just for personal use than who cares?!?! Looks good either way, keep doing what you have been doing to it!


Well-Known Member
You're growing two things: Cannabis and Powdery Mildew. See those little white patches on the smaller plant? You'd better do something about that or it's gonna spread to the other plant and eventually fuck up your grow.


thank you for the help.. i didnt see it there to if i look at it i cant see it but in pics it shows up dont no.. im going to look at the link thanks pepper :-P