New at this please leave info!!!

i have 2 plants that are 17 days old. i keep my 2 150 watt cfls close so i keep the plants small and bushy i let them go 14 days and now i changed the light over to 12/12 3 days ago, but today i LST (low stress training) one of them! how many days untill i see if male or female? And is LST bad when flowering? iv read tht it isnt but want to here more feed on that topic!

should i leave my fans on at night?

also i have a runt that i had set to the side just to test supercroping and toping. and when i topped it it only grew one back but off to the side and now i have a clump of undergrowth going on but it looks kick ass but i think its stunted cuz it just gets bushier not taller only like 4-5 inches tall... will that little guy bud as well even tho hes so small and stunted???

please only helpful comments! i hate it when ppl put down fellow pot heads we need to stick together and unite!!! BUT PLEASE COMMENT


Well-Known Member
u put plants into flowers only 14 days old? a plant will not show sex or flower before that strain naturally is meant to do so, meaning u just wasted ur time trying to put seedlings into flower, since that probably wont happen for at least another 3 wks. sry...


Well-Known Member
12/12 or no, it will still be some weeks before they show sex.

Sex isn't shown until the plants are sexually mature, 5-8 weeks from seed and they will show regardless of the light schedule. This is basic botany and there is no getting around it, even though you want to.

I'd put them back under a veg schedule (18+ hrs of light), for at least 3 more weeks and get some decent growth on them.

from what iv read a marijuana plant can be fully sexually mature at 36 days! but iv seen it done from seed and they got bud in 2 months it wasnt alot but they started 1212 after only growing for 5 days from seed in a pc grow box. i just dont see how it wont work i mean i already have 6 sets if i wouldnt of kept the lights so close it would be dame near over a foot... are u sure i cant force flower??


Well-Known Member
12/12 or no, it will still be some weeks before they show sex.

Sex isn't shown until the plants are sexually mature, 5-8 weeks from seed and they will show regardless of the light schedule. This is basic botany and there is no getting around it, even though you want to.

I'd put them back under a veg schedule (18+ hrs of light), for at least 3 more weeks and get some decent growth on them.

Can you do that? Do you run the risk of making them male or hermi that way? I dunno, Im new to this myself..
i no u can go on youtube and type in mini buds!!! and go on from there or try stelth grow box or pc grow box there all great examples of a quick way to get bud! it wont be the most potent or a pound but it will do the trick!!!


Well-Known Member
from what iv read a marijuana plant can be fully sexually mature at 36 days! but iv seen it done from seed and they got bud in 2 months it wasnt alot but they started 1212 after only growing for 5 days from seed in a pc grow box. i just dont see how it wont work i mean i already have 6 sets if i wouldnt of kept the lights so close it would be dame near over a foot... are u sure i cant force flower??
Sure, it will work, with less than great results.

'can be mature at 36 days' .... That's the 5 of the 5-8 weeks I spoke of and 14 days isn't even 1/2 of that!

Yes, u can force flower, but I bet you never do it a second time.:roll:

You need patience to grow well. You'll learn.

dude bull shit! yes u can do it i have seen it done at 5 day veg and 2 months flower and in the end only got a quarter but it was dank shit!!! so stop tellin this guy u cant when u CAN!!! low stress and no light when in dark and it will take off!! like i said youtube has proof!!!


Well-Known Member

He (see4), was asking if your plants would hermi from my suggestion of putting them back in veg. I said no.

By all means, go ahead with your force flower and like I said, I'll bet you never do another one, youtube or no.



Active Member
Gardens... should be like lovely, well-shaped girls:
all curves, secret corners, unexpected deviations,
seductive surprises and then still more curves.

quote / saying by H.E. Bates

The only reason I really posted on this is in hopes of shedding some light on the fact that growing is far more about the experience, if you try and rush through it there will be a lot less satisfaction at the end. Good luck dude!