thump easy
Well-Known Member
no i havent i lost that challenge im up for it again i have no choice. lolz fuck me its gona be intresting for shure..
very beautifulim gona run this one again its to big this is the white fire cross follow the arms down to the baseView attachment 2454225this is the left side this is the right sideView attachment 2454226
i youtubed it. and it looked like cooking meth when you're preparing the gel lol. if the kits weren't so expensive i would look into playing with it, it seems interesting lol.
I feel ya. I got burned one to many times in the construction trade. even burned by my closest of friends. still in the biz, but on my terms nowwell it wont be after college. dont worry im gona give seeds after i self them.. Im gona give out a shit load of seeds for free i dont want any money from anyone, lolz its just fun and games for me, a learning experience the myth buster i want to see if its that hard and i dont want to kill myself on seed lolz i texted one guy for seeds and i got shot down like yesterdays trick lolz the funny part about it i had the money to buy the seeds.. i understand everyone is bussy im shure of it and thats probley what happend but i dont like to depend on anyone its just not good for me the forces want me to get upset and i rather not so i gona play with seeds whats left over ill just give away for free.. i didnt make the x mas list for a family my plants i didnt do the math right, so i will be celebrating x mas a lil late and i sead i would nevor build for anyone ever in my life no family no friends not even for my self i just dont ever want to that was my original dream was to build the best homes ever but after beeing eaten alive by doctors lawers diffrent nationalities i did my best and gave alot for free but wen it came to get payed it seemed i worked 12 to 16 days people thought i was crazzy threw snow threw rain thew heat that would burn your hands from the nails i had to hide in the shade and never will i pour my heart out again was my promise to my self people are realy greedy they want to suck the last very last drop of blood cristians even more lolz but i left my tools behind to do the growing and its starting to become a job.. were does this all end up at well the pastor that need help is in mexico from all the stories i have herd about mexico and all the scams im going and i find myself looking for my old square my old hammer im gona grind a waffle because its wore out on my hammer, my old bags god knows were they are i gona start again and im gona go help this dude out am also gona go build these rooms for the orfinage no lie.. im not looking to sell the seed i dont care about money man for realz its not what i want in life i just want to smile sometimes... lolz for realz.....ill post picks im taken the summer off and i will see for my self were the money will go and i am so out of shape its probley gona hurt but thats my plan... ill post pics when the time comes
be my guest i got babie wipes if you need to clean nicely kewi sented...