so i see that the white fire is turning into a mother fucker out racing the rest standing about four and some change hi not just the one phenoe but a few some i planted two weeks later and the fuckers already beating most all of them the nug structure is emence also catching up in frost and size if i dont say so my self its got to be the sky walker of in it also combined with white fire i should just slap my self for this one i didnt even think it would make the fucken cut lolz this shit is amazing, i love this shit lolz but im not saying a dam thing because life has tout me a fucken leason and a real good one DONT COUNT YOUR CHICKS BEFORE THEY HACH and that on everthing... sheesh ill just observe and write and pic... i dont want to say anything just yet for all i know and earthquak could hit or can get a hermie... wich reminds me of the last earth quick we had me and a few friends were have a chatch wen the fucken floor started moving and the everthing started shaken the first thing i did i diped into the house open my door and held on to the lights so that the light wouldnt fall on my plants my friends come storming in telling me WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM i look at them and relized that i just put myself in harms way i raced into the building instead of staying out of the building were if it fell down we and the plants would be dead.. lolz i felt like a dumb ass...