New Attitude Seedbank USA Thread

Yeah, there's a link on the first post to the US site.

there was an add a weed ago or so and it sent me to the classic site i guess. dang. anyways. looking at it, they don't offer small packs. you have to spend 50+ to get into a strain. i usually buy 3 packs of similar brands in the 25 to 45 range.
So Attitude Seed Bank has come to a US location out of Colorado this week. ASB USA - The World's Largest Cannabis Seed Superstore (

Has anyone done business with them yet? How fast was their shipping?

What would you buy off there? I would personally buy the Beyond Hype Seeds at Beyond Hype Seed Co Seeds - Cannabis Seeds - Attitude Seedbank USA as they sell FIRE seeds.
Do they take cc just looked hard to fine info without giving up a email?
Nice that Attitude has opened a bank here in the USA - the only thing with the USA bank there are a lot of new breeder stuff like
Beyond Hype Seeds Co
Relic Seeds
Nenetic Seeds
Offensive Genetics
Original Dampking Genetics

uses them twice - once they said a pack of InHouse seeds turned out to be ONE seed of InHOuse another time the said freebies was changed from Irrie to some other breeder. Really don't want to be a "tester" if I want testers I will go to other sites .
they will have pretty much everything you see on their international site but they are still getting there

they actually just announced on their IG today that they will have a small karma drop tomorrow.
for those that don't use IG, Attitude sb US is saying 10am MST for the Karma drop today.. Everyone show up at 10:02 so I can go first though ok

fyi the codes for the international site do not work so no discounts

Karma moulin rouge is in stock. I just need that ny Amsterdamh and I'll be good for the year. My plan is to save these a few years for when Im able to hopefully start including my kids if they're interested
Didn’t realize the tude had a shop over here that’s great. Will be checking them out.

Manny if your kids aren’t interested I am open for it, let me know if you want to adopt lol