New AZ patient questions

i heard they got got raided a while a go. but from what i heard they let everybody go with there meds home that day. at the three tables ive never seen a police man in sight at all.
Again. One is a Retail biz and one is a Biz making money by promoting events. I wouldn't consider either one a "corporation" per se' in the sense you're implying it.

WeGrow sales hydro equipment and gear... What does CAMP420 sell? Where is their store front?

Camp420 is a not for profit community organization driven by the goal of furthering the medical and recreational Uses of marijuana and changung the prohibition against it.
Wegrow is a national corporation headed by Dar Mahn and they are driven by the goal of making money for thier investors.
By definition camp420 keeps patients and law reform as their main priority and focus when making decisions and planning events and Wegrow's man priority is making as much money as possible for investors with no regard to anything else. I support what both do in the end with their markets but I will not support the other endeavors of wegrow By supporting their table. I do support most of what camp420 does because of where their motives are so i support their market so they have capital to do the other things which help the community or are trying to. This is a case where i can be a idealist and a realist.
The camp420 markets have never been raided by police. It is a private event for card holders only. They provide their own security. Nothing illegal goes on there so the police have nothing to bother them about. It would not look the same as busting a club and the people running it are not really profitting. I hope it stays this way.

Wegrow has been visited by police before I heard it was something about few clones being left over jn the store after a market. I am unsure of the details though.