New Bagseed Grow. CFL'S


Well-Known Member
Alot of the time i do feel like people are looking down on me because i cant afford a bunch of fancy equipment and shit.


Well-Known Member
lol im about as cheap skate as u can get with my grow and im still working out how im gonna be able to invest more into my lighting and shit so im going through the same shit as you. al i have is 5 cfls atm for 2 plants. dont get me wrong by thinking i have some hitech state of the art grow room.


Well-Known Member
But i wont let that stop me, I will have some good bud grown, i dont really care what it takes. Luckily the outdoors will do alot of the work for me once i get them outside.


Well-Known Member
Should i still give them 24/0 light. Or should i change to 18/6 or something? I read up about it, Ive found that most people say you sheed keep them under 24/0 through veg if u have low wattage CFL's like mine


Well-Known Member
Alright, well heres some Updates. Feel free to comment (please). :D Well, i got a new cfl. So i now have one 40 w cfl, and three 23 watt cfl's.All an Inch away. One of my plants went out in the wood. And is about half this size. I also have a fan on the 24/7 now. For the most part. Unless i set it outside. Its been Exactley. 28 Days. From seed. This plant is weird. the Big leaves are almost touching both side of the container. Yet the plant hasnt come above the container yet. Regardless. i put it in less dirt then i should have. And then ive been putting the soil higher and higher up the stem, as it grows. Well. Please tell me What you think. Ideas? Comments? Anything. And also. Please click on the Pics if you would. Just to get a better look. I wanna make sure everythings goin smoothly, Looks alright to me. :P


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Well-Known Member
oh shit Floridian slip man;-) its a girl for sure, just look at all the stress its putting you through its gotta be a chic....

green giant SA

Active Member
looking good dude...
just spent the last hour reading the whole thread on company time, hehe...
only suggestion I have is to be a little more grateful with the help other members are giving you. perhaps you didnt mean to come off as being ungrateful, if so i apologise.
anyway, just started my first grow too.....dont think my soil is too great...plants get their first proper leaves then curl up and leaves burn...not using any nutes, and lights are 2x45 watt cfl's (cool white) and 2 x 20 watt (warm white), only water every 2 - 3 days, and use about a tablespoon of water for each plant....
but ya, thats my problem for another thread, didnt mean to ramble on..
keep it going! looks great! should i say...your bitches look great


Well-Known Member
Bub, u gotta water them more then That, Make sure there in something with good drainage and soak it. And for anyone that Cares NEW PICs!! My Baby. Finally got first 9 leaves. And also does anyone know If i need to put it in 12/12 for it to show sex, Or will it show sex naturally during veg? Any help would be appreciated!. Fell free to post please.


Well-Known Member
Lol, exactley FUCK EM. :P BTW heres some New pics i just took. i cut off the big ass sucker leaves so the rest of the plant could get light. This plant is fuckin bushy as hell for only being like 10" tall. Fell free to comment. Or Recomment. Only issue im having is i have no Microscope to see preflowers. So it may be a MALE. But, i dont think so.



Well-Known Member
(taken from another thread)

Yah, it is alot. It its still gonna go for probably another week. it'll be more then ready. Its so weird though, most peoples plants are tall by now, Mine are short and bushier then any plant ive ever seen.
short and bushy is usually based on proximity and power of light as well as genetics.

short and bushy is gooooooood!

keep in mind though, depending on breeds, growth in flower becomes 2 to 4 times as much as in veg. things get dramatic when you change the lights... and that is even before you see buds!


Well-Known Member
This is bagseed right? More then likely it will be male or hermie. Bagseed is a shot in the dark when it comes to growing. You are more likely to get a male IMO with bagseed.

Grow on my friend...



Well-Known Member
Well, Whatever does happen. Happens. Not much i can do about it. But im really hoping for a female. i have friends who grow bagseed and get plenty of females. But either way. Im all prepared for the next grow. The next one im either buying feminized seeds. Or doing clones. Fuck bagseed, i wanna know im not wasting my time. But, im keeping my fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
By all accounts, this plant shouldnt be alive anyways. i had so much trouble from the get go. But im starting to realize i have somewhat of a green thumb. Im ALWAYS taking care of my moms plants also. And. i descided im putting it into 12/12 asap. Even wth just CFL's. im Buying a 75 watt HPS for good flowering. to put along with the CFL's. My question is. Where can i find a light timer to shut them off and shit and keep it on the 12/12 schedule. And what price range might i be looking at??


Well-Known Member
This is bagseed right? More then likely it will be male or hermie. Bagseed is a shot in the dark when it comes to growing. You are more likely to get a male IMO with bagseed.

Grow on my friend...

think maybe it is the inexperience and horrid grow conditions that most bag seed growers use that leads to that?

i know i got hermies from my first batch of bag seed because i abused the Hell out of them... fortunately i got a couple females too though :D

in my experience, growing from clones becomes almost too easy. if your room is solid things go like clock work.

as for feminized seed, personally, i dont think i will ever bother. males happen but the only reason i will grow from seed is lack of clones or new strains, so they arent a big deal. the feminized seeds are also not guaranteed to be female or not turn hermie, they just arent supposed to.

course, having never tried them i could be totally full of shit :mrgreen:

plan on doing clones.

keep the attitude of whatever happens happens and you will enjoy your grows more often, i think :joint: