New Ballast running super HOT, please advise!

Hey whats up guys, I recently upgraded my lights from 2 400w MH to a 1000w HPS setup (I'm getting ready to flower). I have to be honest, I'm guilty of it being a budget grow, so im sure that's part of the reason its running so hot.. Anyhow, I setup my new light today and got it going. I let it run for about 3 hours then came out to check the temps in my room, the only thing that seemed off was the temp of the actual ballast. I put my thermometer to it reading 160 degree. I setup a fan next to it and turned it on low, it brought the temp down to 120. I am just worried that this thing is running to hot. Could anyone offer any input? Do all the cheap ones run hot? I mean it has a 5 yr warranty so I guess not a huge deal? Whats the best way to maximize cooling? Thanks in advance.


Active Member
The fan should help, 120 is not horrible. Check the manufacturers specs/manual for temp ranges and that should give you a better idea if it is malfunctioning or not, and just a reminder, that 5 yr warranty doesn't cover personal items lost due to fire damage.
I meant if it burns itself up or if its faulty, obviously the last thing I would want is a fire... Unfortunately I cannot find any mfg info, Its literally an off brand ballast that my local hydro store sells. "Simple Gear Box MH/HPS 1000W Convertible" is what is on the box. I just checked the temps again, they are staying pretty constant at 120ish.


Active Member
I'm guilty of it being a budget grow, so im sure that's part of the reason its running so hot..
1. Who is the manufacturer of the ballast?
2. A 5 year warranty doesn't mean anything if the company vanishes in, say, 2 years. Not too difficult, just kill the old company and create a new one to avoid all those pesky warranty problems.


Well-Known Member
is it magnetic? or digital....that seems fairly hot for a digi. but for a 1000 watt magnetic that seems "normal". my 1000 watt ballasts are pretty hot to the touch. i've not taken a temp probe them to them but cooking for a living my hands are used to heat, and I still don't like to leave my hand on the ballast, so I know it's hot.


Well-Known Member
I would take it back to your local hydro shop where you bought it. They can check it out for you and replace if necessary. This is too hot. My ballast stays cool that I mounted it under my grow table. Shady and cool running.


Well-Known Member
The local hydro store swaps it out for the duration of the 5 years, they have been here for 20, I would like to think they're not going anywhere... Thats the only info I have. The link shows the exact ballast but I cant find any specs on it yet.
its a magnetic ballast they run pretty hot I have a 400w magnetic ballast for veg and that things hot as hell you can't just hold your hand on it and you have over double the watts as mine. the digital ones don't get hot though mine gets warm but I can hold my hand on it. I think your fine 160 aint starting any fires anyway I'm sure my 400 is close to that and I've had it for over 2 years.


Well-Known Member
I would take it back to your local hydro shop where you bought it. They can check it out for you and replace if necessary. This is too hot. My ballast stays cool that I mounted it under my grow table. Shady and cool running.
As for my light set up , I went with a NEXTGEN 400W/600W electronic ballast .
I take it you have a digital ballast as in your thread you called it electronic ballast. digital's stay cool magnetics are hot this guy has a magnetic ballast I really don't think its too hot for a 1,000w magnetic ballast. I also don't think he needs a fan to cool it 160 aint shit my 400w magnetic ballast has a warning on it about the heat.


New Member
Thats about the right temp range for a magnetic ballast that size. Move it from the room if you have concerns. I would take it back and buy a digital ballast, one without a fan, finned ballasts have a higher thresshold for heat than the ballasts with fans built in.


Well-Known Member
^^^^yep what they said............1000w magnetic ballast's run hot/ it's yourself the gas money and keep it...good luck


Well-Known Member
me thinks the redusable ones run hot when not wide open

eating extra energy to reduce down its wattage i cant proove an im not looking for a debate
just offering my 2cents to the kitty of quite a few doners already

have agood day

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