New Beginning


Well-Known Member
i thought he said he saw it in a high times magazine first...
i've seen that picture floating around other places too... so i don't think FDD originated the thought...
he didn't originate it so i forgot to mention that but i said he originally posted the pic on this site. sorry for the confusion.:peace:


New Member
hi hole, sorry to hear about your grow man, i know what thats like. the last 2 plants i grew turned out males and then i just lost a 4 to a dodgy hydro setup ( i managed to save 1 widow ). but im not letting it get to me, im growing again ( widow and rhino ) and this time they will make it and be female as yours will. good luck and i'll be watching. oh, by the way what strain are you growing ?



Well-Known Member
thank you everyone for the condolensces on that "OTHER" plant and for poppin in,,much appreciated,,and thxs for the level headed bean gene debate,,I musta have picked some good ones,,because one has broke the surface already,,like a half loop stem is showing,,I think it's head will be out of the dirt tonight,,it's only been in the Pro-Mix for 51 hours,,and was sunk an inch in and lightly covered,,I tried germing in paper towel once,,just once,,I failed miserably and let the water dry up many times,,I have been pretty lucky though in the drop the seed in dirt method,,I broke my Digi Cam by mistake,,but will figure out my new Camcorder,,it takes stills as well and try to get a pic of the lil darling coming up

O2Hustla,,I don't know the strain,,but a "GUY" I know gave me these really dark seeds,,he told me "Here HoLE,,these are for you,,but don't tell anyone I gave them to you",,so I didn't ask:mrgreen:

Wooooooo Hoooooooo ,,I'm a daddy again:hump:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Yayyyyyy,,had this brand new HandyCam since Christmas,,tried to figure it out a couple times,,had no choice this time..needed a pic of the baby seedling New Beginning #1,,just to the right of center,,you can see the half loop stem coming up from below,,finally,,I am HoLE again,,hopefully her 8 sisters follow suit,,all comments and advice welcome

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
O2Hustla,,I don't know the strain,,but a "GUY" I know gave me these really dark seeds,,he told me "Here HoLE,,these are for you,,but don't tell anyone I gave them to you",,so I didn't ask:mrgreen:

sounds like they must be good!! sticking with dirt again i see. I went out today and purchased this waterfarm. That plus some foxfarm nutes cost me about 80bucks, forgot to get the damned rockwool...


Well-Known Member
Houston Control,,this is HoLE,,we now have 5 visibles,,3 half looped stems ready to break,, and 2 completely surface broken,,4 to go,,not bad eh,,no germing of the seeds,,directly in dirt,,and kept wet now for only 64 hours:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

What's everyones take on germinating there seeds first,,we all talk about not stressing a plant,,would it not be stressfull to be born on a plate in a paper towel,,and then put into dirt,,I think seeds done right in dirt come out stronger as well,,since they had to fight there way to the top,,I can say this,,I have never needed a support toothpick to hold up my newborns,,there stalk always held themselves,,all comments and advice are welcome

Keep on Growin



Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
:hump:I'm a newbie at htis but it only makes sense that the less you move the sprout around the less stress there will be on it. Looking good Hole
Keep on keeping on :peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
thxs RopeSmoker,,and thxs for biting on the germ term question,,anyone else agree that germing on a towel and then planting them may be stressfull,,or does anyone have a good reason why so many of us do use the germed method?? oh,, and I can now see 6 of 9 coming up in less than 3 full days

BTW RopeSmoker,,you have a sword in your avitar,,I'm doing a crossword,,I need a 4 letter word for sword grip:mrgreen:

New Question

Can I put these right under a 430 watt hps to veg immediately,,and eliminate the use of cfl's,,I am in a fully reflective 2 by 2 box 6 feet tall with an adjustable cool tube,,if you have done this and had pot seedlings for dinner that night(fried em),,please advise,,and if it is ok,,what distance would you reccommend from plant to light,,it's gonna be hella bright in there but the tube IS COOL,,thxs in advance

Keep on Growin




New Member
hi hole, looking very good mate. ive done it with the hps before but you have to have it atleast 3 feet above the plants, but your using a coold unit so you could get it abit closer. if i were you id give them a week or 2 before you put them under the hps so they have a chance to develope abit.



Well-Known Member
hi hole, looking very good mate. ive done it with the hps before but you have to have it atleast 3 feet above the plants, but your using a coold unit so you could get it abit closer. if i were you id give them a week or 2 before you put them under the hps so they have a chance to develope abit.

thxs o2hustla,,,so what happened when you did this,,did they fry or grow,,I do have 6 feet to play with in there,,and does anyone else got a take on this,,much appreciated

Keep on Growin



New Member
the plants were fine with the hps and they didnt burn, but i think they would have been better with the cfl to start them off. thats just my side and you will probably get other people that say yea go for it with the hps from the start. im giving mine the chance to develope abit before i switch on the hps this time round. hope this helps mate.



Well-Known Member
thxs again o2h,,anyone else's thoughts,,running outta time here,,to hps or not to hps right off the bat,,4 standing ,,2 more broke the surface,,and waiting on 3 ,,all comments and advice are welcome

Keep on Growin



Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
thxs RopeSmoker,,and thxs for biting on the germ term question,,anyone else agree that germing on a towel and then planting them may be stressfull,,or does anyone have a good reason why so many of us do use the germed method?? oh,, and I can now see 6 of 9 coming up in less than 3 full days

BTW RopeSmoker,,you have a sword in your avitar,,I'm doing a crossword,,I need a 4 letter word for sword grip:mrgreen:

New Question

Can I put these right under a 430 watt hps to veg immediately,,and eliminate the use of cfl's,,I am in a fully reflective 2 by 2 box 6 feet tall with an adjustable cool tube,,if you have done this and had pot seedlings for dinner that night(fried em),,please advise,,and if it is ok,,what distance would you reccommend from plant to light,,it's gonna be hella bright in there but the tube IS COOL,,thxs in advance

Keep on Growin

Hilt is a grip for a sword cool i'm keeping up an this grow :peace:peace man:peace:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Glad to be of help. I'm watchen and learning watching this grow so thanks for your help already!:peace:peace man:peace:


New Member
hole e snuck this journal by me...I would use the cfl to start simply because you can get the light right on top without worrying about burning them and they do not stretch as much...good luck on this one...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thxs b-spit,,and awesome use of HoLE as usual,,welcome to my new beginning,,I think I got most bases covered this time,,so,,,

Monday at 3 in the afternoon I dropped 9 seeds in the dirt,,today at 3,,I have 4 standing,,4 about to stand,,and 1 I have not given up hope on yet,,regardless,,I have 8 successfulls right now and it only took 72 hours,,Wooo Hooooo,,they are just enjoying some actual sunlight,,as I prepare there home of cfl's where they will stay for the next week or so,,:mrgreen::blsmoke:

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
all 9 seeds have emerged or are emerging from the Pro-Mix,,6 with their heads out,,and 3 pulling their heads out,,and in only 75 hours,,:mrgreen:yessssssssss:mrgreen:,,sorry bout pics quality,,I have to figure out my HandyCam with regards to still shots,,

Today is officially day 1,,the New Beginning:hump::blsmoke:

Keep on Growin


