New Beginning


Well-Known Member
hey hole they are looking better, do you pick up the pots before you water? It a pain but thats what i have been doing, my plants look so much better now and i finaly moved some to the bud box. O yea i also sprayed a foliar feed cause the roots had such problems and the plants look soooo much better by the am. Hope things go well hole they will pick up


Well-Known Member
thxs Bwinn,,yeah,,that Mother Earth Super Tea is the shit,,you see the ingredients in that stuff,,mmmmmm

hey mastakoosh,,thxs for poppin in,,I ain't a pro yet,,but will be one day,,and I'll pop in your thread soon,,just been really busy this last week,,getting things in order so I can enjoy my vacation in California this week:bigjoint:

huggs kaya sweety,,I do now have the pots weight down pat,,I am lifting them as well,,takes a few times,,but once you figure them out your set,,they look much better today,,I'll try and get some pics up before I leave

thxs again my fellow RIU'ers

Keep on Growin



New Member
looking good hole, im sure they will take off now that they are in new, bigger pots. my small ones look small compared to my bigger 1 at the same age. yours are not much different to mine mate in size. good luck.



Well-Known Member
Sorry havent stopped in for a while, just finished harvesting. But as always things look pro right now with your grow as they always do with your journals. Where are update? ;-)


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Who is watching these babies while you are in Cali? I hope they are okay upon your return, lol. How is Cali anyways? :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
cool hole morther earth tea is awsome lots of good stuff in it. hope your trip is going well see you soon.


Well-Known Member
wow,,when I left they were tiny,,lol,,my buddy in charge did a pretty good job while I was gone,,I was concerned with the watering schedule I left with him of every 4 days,,it turns out it was not enough,,they were bone dry,,one actually was shrivelling up,,and one that has been showing heat stress from day one was still showing it,,so they are gone,,and one I considered not of the right sex,,ya,,a male,,so started with 9,,down to 6

plants have really fat finger leaves,,they range from 6 and a half inches to 9 inches tall,,8-9 nodes high,,they would look better had I been here,,but oh well,,they were completely drenched and fed may look better in a day or so,,all comments or advice is welcome

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
or it could be the ph almost all nutrients problems are ph problems. maybe your friend gave it a little to much water? anyway they still look ok and im shore you will figure it out good luck hole.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good hole. Is the space in that closet becoming an issue? or are you just going to keep them all in there??


Well-Known Member
Lookin good hole. Is the space in that closet becoming an issue? or are you just going to keep them all in there??
3 are already gone to the he-side,,one is under investigation,,so I'm down to 6 possibly 5

Day 34

after being left way to dry while I was gone,,also means they were not fed enough,not my buddies fault,,he was doin me a favour just coming when he could,but I'm back and ready to give them what they need,,yesterday they were fed and looking a little better,,today they were topped,,here's a couple more pics

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
I musta fallen into a HoLE, how'd I miss this? oh well, I'm here now. sorry 'bout ur news on the garden of maleven. You'll do great man! good luck and all my best karna in your direction! walk on!

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
I'm shure they will get a HOLE lot better now that your home and giving them all your love! keep on growing!:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
hey hole still got your board shorts on? surely you must be finding a place in canada to surf like you did in cali ahahaha. i am with you on this grow as well, fine job so far.


Well-Known Member
thxs everyone for the good vibes,,my babies are feeling it,,and masta,,my board and boardin shorts were swapped for snowpants and touque when I got back home to Canada:cry:,,

natmoon yur prolly right,,but they are prolly short on all nutes,,while I was away,,pots felt empty when I got home

Day 36

watered and fed 3 days ago my plants are looking better,,today they will get just water,,down to 6 of 9 plants,,tallest plant is 11 and a half inches ,,shortest is 7 and a half inches,,I also picked up a ph test kit with the up and down sollutions to remedy ,,water from my tap is to high,,but put through my Brita water jug it comes out perfect but I will test regularly,,

stalks are fat,,and some good colour is showing again,,pics below are of the tallest,,and the shortest,,I've been slowly stripping the first set of fans,,and first flowering arms,,and all plants have been topped but not in the same spot,,tops range from 5-7 nodes high,,there is a pic of 5 in the cab,,

the last 2 pics are of one that was and has been showing heat stress or something since day one(leaves curling up on themselves),,I took it out and it has been getting just daylight and the leaves still haven't uncurled completely yet but it does look better believe it or not,,it's also had three nights of darkness now,,if it shows female I'll put it back in and see what happens,,all comments or advice are welcome

Keep on Growin


