New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

@ ttystikk
Here's a link to the project ... curious what you think.
There's a typo ... the 4000K COBs are CXB not CXA
If I had it to do over, I'd get CXB3590 3000K 90CRI in the highest bin available.

Since I have the occasion to refit some of my modules, I'll be getting these myself. I do realize they're warmer than you're planning, but it seems to emit a sweet spot of great red and enough blue to get good response.
Bos and any others who stumble upon this. I would really b interested in anyone who can build an COB light for me. One for veg and one for Flower. Idk if there's a difference but I want to run two rooms. Idk what prices are compared to just buying from big companies. But I'd imagine it's more affordable......?
Bos and any others who stumble upon this. I would really b interested in anyone who can build an COB light for me. One for veg and one for Flower. Idk if there's a difference but I want to run two rooms. Idk what prices are compared to just buying from big companies. But I'd imagine it's more affordable......?

Hardly a stumble ... pleased to meet you and the other Baystaters that you've attracted to this thread. It's nice to know I have mature (I think I'm the senior citizen here at 70) neighbors that are venturing into this fascinating avocation.

As for COB fixtures ... good ones aren't cheap, but they're a lot less expensive than comparable fixtures from reputable vendors. This is essentially what I'm building for myself

Sourced entirely from Kingbrite (in China) except for some frame components (Home Depot) it saves $350 - $400 compared with the comparable Timber unit. They (Kingbrite) are closed for the Chinese New Year celebration until Feb 8 so you have time to think about things. If you decide you'd like to use DIY COBs, I'd be happy to talk to you about it. There's a lot of flexibility in determining photon density vs power consumption and heat generation. Also makes a difference what size your grow spaces are.

Anyway ... glad to be part of the MA "discussion group"
On another topic, I'm curious if the other folks from this area (MA) would have any interest in establishing a clone bank or swapping program. Seems like there are enough of us to support a decent gene pool.

It would require actually getting to know each other in RL, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
On another topic, I'm curious if the other folks from this area (MA) would have any interest in establishing a clone bank or swapping program. Seems like there are enough of us to support a decent gene pool.

It would require actually getting to know each other in RL, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
This can be extremely valuable and rewarding in many ways, as my friends and I have discovered here in Colorado.
I'm all up for that, Bosgrower ( you got me @ 70; I'm just a young 62 - Don't know how new law works, but if you can gift an oz. i would think that can take any form- All up for clone trading & at some point, setting up co-op of growers to supply storefronts (Post 2018) think microbrewery - you have one type & I specialize in another in order to cover all bases to store, cause what the few med. dist. are getting sounds like crap mids for too much$ avg. 10-30 per gr. Really?? We can do SO much better, but those places are limited to their own grow facility and styles.Waiting to see what the state commission comes up with for fee's, etc., but very little info so far-
I think your on to something,Bosgrower- meeting other growers in real life should not be an issue(usual security don't bring them to your grow spot) and would be great for trading seeds, clones, and knowledge. (comparing grow techniques, lighting, strains, etc.) can see monthly meeting of the Massachusetts Growers Society @ a local restaurant & bar LOL.
Merrimack valley.. checking in.. lol med grower by that I just mean I have my med card lol which I'm contemplating on renewing... also a newb got only 4 harvest done... currently strain hunting...✌️
Hey @Bosgrower currently looking for a sour D the fuel pheno.. the kind that just smells like straight kerosene.. lol if u know what I mean.. I have a bunch of strains and difrent sour d strains in veg right now and working on a new bigger flower room.. gonna step it up this year as I'm sure everybody in mass is going hard.. would like sometime in the near future to grow something purple... seems to have disappeared from this area... cheers every1 happy growing
Be patient my friend, purple is going to make a comeback. Not sure when I'll start them but there's Dr Dank's Triple Purple Rhino in the fridge :)

First scheduled grow when I get things up and running will be HSO AUTO Blackberry Kush. Sadly, can't be cloned