Other than family, friends and those in medical need, why would I, or any reasonable person, give away something that took time, money and effort to do, has a high value and, probably most importantly, still has federal legal ramifications? I'm a nice guy, but if there's risk involved, it's not going to be free. I'm not going to mine gold and give it away, just because you like mining gold ....

. I've said it before, probably on this thread, don't let state legalization lull you into false security. Once there's no market because of either saturation, or federal legalization, I'll hand out my extra clones on the street corner.
I've accepted donations just to cover my time and materials, but then there were all the dumb questions I usually needed to answer, most people I ran into had done no research and never grew anything. I started telling people $50/hr for grow consultations, which stopped all the random calls about what to do. Just like when I have a transaction with a stranger involving automotive parts, don't call me back about how to install it, or what it does. After the last incident where the guy (again) didn't have any knowledge of growing, no setup and then put them on a window sill in December...

, and about a dozen "what should I do" phone calls, he wanted a refund when they croaked. I won't gift clones anymore, I got sick of putting in the work to send then to there death.
Hi, I'm a Masshole, if ya didn't notice