new big space good setup and grow different strains



    Votes: 12 19.7%

    Votes: 14 23.0%

    Votes: 20 32.8%

    Votes: 15 24.6%

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Well-Known Member
:-P..........well, well.......:clap: very nice to see you back around! It seems as though quite a few have just dropped off for one reason or another.

So that's nice you were able to keep that mom! It looks as though you have a bunch of new stuff too!!:weed: So you are in a new place?<---seems like you had just finished that closet in that room not too far back.

So hopefully all will go smooth for you and you can get it all back on track as your working towards so you can have a great harvest:leaf:!

So how many watts are you going to be running and and what is your plan for medium? You going to run some soil in the buckets?? I love your new table!! That one in the pic for veg and a couple of 4' x8' tables for flower??haha:-P.

Well, I 'll keep an eye on this; sounds cooler all the time!! Keep everything plugged in, bro!


we will have the 2 1000 watters in flower 1 over each 3x3 tray the clone room has flurosecents and the mother room right now has a 400 wat hps soon to have a t5 or 2 in there. were still tryin to figure out exactly how to do the exhaust and all. we will be using 24 square pots with rockwool fleck in them with flood and drain tables. 4 tables total 2 under each light. we have 14 cuttings in the clone room and 4 rooted in dirt in the mother room for mothers and what not :joint:


Well-Known Member
heres the pics of the lights that we got and the pics i forgot the other day of our ph/tds pens our Co2 regulator still need tank. the 8" high output fan and flange. the clones are standing up and looking nice.some of the fans we bought to keep circulation good in all the rooms. a some what pic of the flower room and walls its about 90% done. and muscle man the wall hanger half of the 420 twins lol :joint::hump::joint:



Well-Known Member
So how's the room coming together??
What is your reason for using that rw 'fleck' stuff?<----does it drain better than the cubes?? I 've only seen it used in like a "Hempy"-Style bucket; kind of a drain-to-waist type set-up with a little 2" res at the bottom of the bucket.....did you see how Al B. use to do his pots for flood/drain before that phyto-cell stuff came out?? I am thinking it was that stuff your using...? I guess I just love the hydroton as it's almost impossible to over-water and you can flood/drain a lot more often...... So this will be cool to see how you do this.....
So let's see how the room's coming, haha!

Right on! Hope you guys are having a great week!!



Well-Known Member
heres a few pics of those tables for the trays i was tellin yall about my bro came up with this one all on his own and they came out pretty badd ass ad some pics of the clones and roots



Well-Known Member
.......fricken site was to slow for me to post anything yesterday....has been doing it quite a bit lately......

Looking like pro set-up all the way in half-assed sh*t, that's for sure:hump:.... Those are some serious stands your bro built! I will get a pic of my first one for you----you'll laugh at how similar they are.....could park a car on there, that's for sure. Mines not quite as nice(no CA corners, etc) and the 2'x3' tables work great for $13!<--Lowes, in the concrete section.....nice 2'x2's 2 haha
and they really dont need to be so my 12/12 I just use those cheapo plastic shelf things and get 4 benches for $20......and put the res under....................Hey, I cut off the bottom wood brace across the front and raised the whole thing so I could get the res under there a bit-----aren't you guys going to use the underneath for...? I love your tables though..........I saw 2 4'x4' botenicare on CL last night for $100!

Well, have a fun weekend!!:hump:bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
hey folks what up got lots of new pics and updates but i bought the new house and cant get my internet that far out yet be back later with pics hopefully


Well-Known Member
i have no internet it really sucks hopefully i will get it back soon i moved and cant get my cable nemore so im screwed


Well-Known Member
i need to know how many times a day my pump needs to come on and if theres a certain time they gotta run were putting our first tray in tomorrow


Well-Known Member
wow its finaly good to be back. iv moved to the new house been here almost 2 months now. it sucks i cant get cable only sattalite and im not cool with dsl. so i went an got me a broadband card and im back now. yay! i will have pics,details,and some problems and ?s. its great to be home peeps!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ok so here goes im gonna try and catch you up on my last 3 months ive been gone and try and post all the pics b4 morning lol here we go


Well-Known Member
ok so i really see no need in finishing this journal cause of some personal probs the grow is still goin just different and stuff i will post a link to it all later on and stuff