New Bill to Legalize MJ Federally

jeff f

New Member
Well I personally wouldnt buy the shit that would be sold at 7-11 my feelings would it would be to much liike the mexi crap around now just extra low quality schwag.Aftwr commercial proccessing was over all the glands would be knocked off I think.I may be wrong on that but it's my opinion.
They meaning the government,FDA,and anybody else that would be included to regulate marijuana would make it so it's just a little better then tobacco.My biggest question at this point is would the DHS allow seeds to be imported if this was passed?I didn't read anything to the contrary and don't want to mix mash the wording of the bill.If seeds are allowed to be imported and or sold in the USA then I think the potency would most assurdly skyrocket.That would be a good thing.
I also would think then that a properly licensed "coffee shop" in the USA would not sell shwag at least there you could see what you was buying before you bought it.
We all need to keep on keeping on with HR2306,keep their feet to the fire. This is our best shot I'm sure for a long time.

Here is a link

this gentleman is the ying to the yang we need to write this man in his support of pushing this thru the committee.He is the one we have on our side that can get it brought up in the committee.Everybody write him and support him tell your dad your mom your brothers,sisters,and anybody else on our side to write him in support of HR2306.
if your hopes are on john have a better chance of getting a pic of a congressmans weiner. the guy is a fucking loon.


Well-Known Member
Well he is a co sponser of the bill and he is the ying against lamar from texas yang.Not to mention he is on the committee that will help make the fight to get this bill even presented to the committee.It has to at least get presented to the committee or it dies in committee without even the committee hearing the bill much less voting on it.Lamar is completely against it,he is from texas.I still think since he is on the judicary committee and a co sponser of the bill , here is the list from this web page

Rep. Barney Frank [D-MA4]

Steve Cohen [D-TN9]
John Conyers [D-MI14]
Barbara Lee [D-CA9]
Ronald Paul [R-TX14]
Jared Polis [D-CO2]
I have read other things on him being our voice in the committee,I'm not the only one that wrote him to help get this at least heard in the committee.
Im not try to start a war here,I just want to take advantage of every thing that is available to us to,to at least be able to say we gave it a hell of a shot.I would think everyone that is not into this for profit would also be wanting to get this passed.
If I can do some small part to help get people more involved on this bill so we can be free to smoke in our homes then hey I will feel like my worthless life wasnt for nothing.But if everybody just wants to be naysayers and complain and do nothing to help then the movement deserves to stay illegal and we need to continue putting thousands and thousands of people in jail for a victimless,non violent crime.I for 1 would like to see it legal and not interfered with from any Government office,to let weed be free so to speak and unhindered ,unencumbered.But maybe Im just looking through rose colored glasses.The naysayers and do nothingers can make or break this chance to be a little more free.


Well-Known Member
Here is a page from Rep Conyers home page link is also provided.This is I guess his views on the war on drugs.Maybe this will also carry on to HR2306 we can only hope.And it would seem to me he is more pro for changes then lamar smith from tex that will not even bring the bill up to the committee and since conyers is on the judiciary committee and a co sponser of HR22306 we need to let conyers know that we the people are behind him and the bill,to get it a step further down the line.

Conyers Calls for New Strategies to Deal With Drug Abuse

Contact: Nicole Triplett – 202-226-5543
Jun 17, 2011 Issues: Government Oversight
(WASHINGTON) – Today, on the fortieth anniversary of President Nixon declaring a “War on Drugs,” Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) joined Dr. Ron Daniels, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson and others at the National Press Club for a forum entitled, “Declaring War on the War on Drugs,” to discuss how Nixon’s initiative has too often made the American people the victims.
“Now, more than ever, we need to change the counterproductive drug strategies that the nation has pursued for decades,” said Conyers. “In a time when all levels of government are facing severe budget pressures, it is even more urgent that we stop the policies which harm our citizens and break our budgets. If we treat people with drug problems as patients instead of criminals, and implement programs that prevent people from taking drugs in the first place, we will accomplish the goals of stemming drug abuse, reducing violent crime, and saving money for our taxpayers.”
The Global Commission on Drug Policy recently issued a report confirming that arresting and incarcerating people fills prisons and destroys lives but does not reduce the availability of illicit drugs or the power of criminal organizations. The Commission endorsed investing in activities that can both prevent young people from taking drugs in the first place and prevent those who do use drugs from developing more serious problems. The Commission also concluded that increasing the intensity of law enforcement to disrupt drug markets is unlikely to reduce gang violence.


Active Member
Just to see where people stand: When marijuana becomes legal where should it be taxed? If you grew your own: get a tax stamp for square feet? A tax stamp per plant or tax by THC content dried, bud would be higher. You can store so much for personal use ?__? Pay state tax but can not transport across state borders: Tax evasion? MN going down tubes should legal marijuana be taxed at oz or pound level? Government has to change: would you leave jail or prison if they came to you and said the law has changed you can go home? If not now, When??


Well-Known Member
Well since it would up to the state I think that would probably depend on the state law.They dont tax beer or wine when you make your own at home,they dont tax tobacco when you grow your own.Im sure there would be a set limit on home stash.And as far as the law thing goes,if you was busted and are doing some time for simple possession then I think you would still do the time since the law was broke and you was convicted against a then current law.But then again amnesty would be the logical way to go if it's just for simple possession,not anything else like a gun law or dealing or some trumped up conspiracy crime.
If it's sold in a liquor store or coffee shop or drug store then it will be taxed there not only sales tax but I'm sure there would be another tax there just for cannabis.But since it's all going to be up each state it is still just conjecture on my part.I just can't wait to be able to order seeds without DHS intercepting them.So many strains so little time.
If my state allows a 8x8 room I could do quite well with that Im sure I would be over the state minimum but hey I dont think it would really matter,they have no way of knowing how much wine I make every year or how much beer I brew even tho I'm allowed to brew 100 gallons of beer legally each year I could brew 500 gallons and they wouldnt know.
As far as tax goes you pay sales tax on all your supplies now plus tax on electricity you use already.
But there is a lot of work to do to get to that point yet.I'm sure indiana will never allow it even if the feds do allow it.That is how uptight they are here.
Good Question tho should stir things up a little.

jeff f

New Member
Well since it would up to the state I think that would probably depend on the state law.They dont tax beer or wine when you make your own at home,they dont tax tobacco when you grow your own.Im sure there would be a set limit on home stash.And as far as the law thing goes,if you was busted and are doing some time for simple possession then I think you would still do the time since the law was broke and you was convicted against a then current law.But then again amnesty would be the logical way to go if it's just for simple possession,not anything else like a gun law or dealing or some trumped up conspiracy crime.
If it's sold in a liquor store or coffee shop or drug store then it will be taxed there not only sales tax but I'm sure there would be another tax there just for cannabis.But since it's all going to be up each state it is still just conjecture on my part.I just can't wait to be able to order seeds without DHS intercepting them.So many strains so little time.
If my state allows a 8x8 room I could do quite well with that Im sure I would be over the state minimum but hey I dont think it would really matter,they have no way of knowing how much wine I make every year or how much beer I brew even tho I'm allowed to brew 100 gallons of beer legally each year I could brew 500 gallons and they wouldnt know.
As far as tax goes you pay sales tax on all your supplies now plus tax on electricity you use already.
But there is a lot of work to do to get to that point yet.I'm sure indiana will never allow it even if the feds do allow it.That is how uptight they are here.
Good Question tho should stir things up a little.
they dont tax it when you make your own? what? unless you plant your own hops, barley, wheat etc from seeds you raised yourself, they most certainly do tax it. right down to the bucket you bought to ferment it in.

and, they tax the fuck out of your property in most states.

they tax the shit out of electricity to grow, and you can bet your ass they will start another EPA type program to kick your door down and inspect your grow rooms to "protect" us from some sort of made up danger.

nothing excapes taxes my friend, nothing.

edit: unless you happen to be friends with obama like the ceo of GE.


Well-Known Member
Yep that's right as I said above"As far as tax goes you pay sales tax on all your supplies now plus tax on electricity you use already."But not the final product.So if you was growing you would pay sales tax on your supplies nutes and pots and soils and all other stuff that goes with it.
