New Build with scheme


Hello all,

Since a couple of weeks im an owner of a aerogarden and i immediatly got addicted just watching these babies grow. I allready want something more. I've spent the last 4 weeks loads of hours just to get me as much info as i can. I combined all the ideas i saw on the web or on this forum and came a idea what i draw out below.

My plan is to use a air to pump water and air through 4 dripping systems, i saw some videos on youtube and that looks pretty nice and effective. Next to that i want to add a fog system which is connected to all pots so the roots get some extra feeding and air. The water should all end up in the bottom of the pots and at a certain hight it will be drained back to the reservoir.

Im not sure if im missing something or what volume to use for my reservoir. Any of you guys thoughts would be very appreciated! I know im just starting but i'm very eager to learn, so please give me some input.

