New Cab Grow


Active Member
steady between 78-85. I still have the shity home depot exhaust fan going. I need to install this high velocity inline with a charcoal filter but just havent had time.


Active Member
Alright well I finally got my shit together and organized. the af-goo clones I picked up are doing amazing, as are the 3 mr nice/g13 from seed after a long battle to get healthy. In the midst I decided to just go with a sog and thus picked up 6 (total) smaller sensi star clones that are vegging under a flouro until the others are done. Temps are good. No bugs. Picked up some azatrol. The best pest product Ive ever seen or heard of. Should be flowering in another 2-3 weeks.:weed:



Active Member
After a long break for unknown reasons im back with pics and good info. Plants are doing well. got 4 in the flowering room now. The two af-goo clones Ive had are on there 4th week of flowering and looking very nice. Ive recently transplanted and started ramping up the nutes. The other two are sensi star clones that were the biggest from the batch I got. They are just beginning week 2 so no budding yet but sites are starting to develope. Temps are good. No bugs. everything pretty square. do need to install my carbon filter soon as the smell is making its way to the driveway. 1 more thing Is I was thinking about just throwing a screen over them to maximinze budding but was wondering if it was too late or if anyone had done it around 4th week of flowering with good result. PLease comment. thanks.

