New CFL 2nd grow using Scott's Hyponex Potting Soil in 6" pots

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
1-1 is really kinda in the shade and it has been raining alot here, i hope she makes it and i will be checking on her when i can.

i went and got the schultz 10-15-10 plant food today and added it to my next jug of water to start using it right away. they also had some better gro products, one of which was a bloom booster with 15-35-15 numbers and many other essential minerals needed, it was also $5 for a bag and it was a powder mix, might get some soon and try it too.

its day 56 and the girls are both looking great, im more and more pumped everyday about the pink buds on molly and just cant wait, i got a feeling shes gonna be some really good shit. the twins are still looking good on day 4 and im really hoping these clones take, i just couldnt let the pink get away, LoL.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah, thanks treeZ, funny tho how i did both the same way and got such different results, 2-1 looks like some kinda short rider with its 1 main cola. i guess the way i topped them is whats keeping the height down, which is good, but i think i should maybe let them get a little taller to get a little more height next time. if the twins make it, im gonna top them also, i think the 40 days of veg will give me bigger plants in stead of only 15 days like ive been doing. still learning, LoL.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
day 58, i moved the plants around the box just to change the way the lights them. the girls are looking great and everything is still going good. the twins are hanging in there and appear to be doing ok, still bright green, no sign of roots yet tho. i did get another Y splitter so i could use 2 bulbs, 1 bright and 1 soft cfl.



Well-Known Member
everything is looking good CD!! real good!!

ya know, we all think about it. and i have made the switch. i would use both if i had room, but dont. but have ya thought about HID much yet? i dont have the results yet, but we all know its better. i know your not financially able to right now. but even the cheap $40.00 HPS at lowes would be great for your flower box, and easy on the ventilation.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
everything is looking good CD!! real good!!

ya know, we all think about it. and i have made the switch. i would use both if i had room, but dont. but have ya thought about HID much yet? i dont have the results yet, but we all know its better. i know your not financially able to right now. but even the cheap $40.00 HPS at lowes would be great for your flower box, and easy on the ventilation.
yeah i have, ive looked at them there and really would like it, maybe after this is done and i have some cash i might get one. i could use it for the top light and the cfl bar for side lighting, we'll see.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
its day 59 and things still look the same so heres the daily pics. day 7 for the twin clones.

this is what i found on ebay, its only $78 including free shipping, thats a pretty good deal. i think i would only need the 150 because of my limited space and only doing 2 plants at a time. it would be the only thing i would need to change in my box as it would work with everything else i already have, maybe have to work on the cooling a little. it would hook up and hang from the chains i already have in place. the 70 watt security lights are like $60 now at the homelowes stores, so this is a much better deal and most of those are now halogen. something for me to think about for the next grow, again, we'll see.
Sunlight Supply 150 Watt Grow Light System HPS



Well-Known Member
Looks good, but check out HTG supply I think it is. They have a 150 for the same cost and it has a remote ballast. Or if you plan it out right you can bye the bulb and ballast and socket separate and build your own, and probably still come out cheaper than both stores with a remote ballast. Just some more food for thought. You have plenty of time to chew on it and your cfls are working out great as it stands.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Looks good, but check out HTG supply I think it is. They have a 150 for the same cost and it has a remote ballast. Or if you plan it out right you can bye the bulb and ballast and socket separate and build your own, and probably still come out cheaper than both stores with a remote ballast. Just some more food for thought. You have plenty of time to chew on it and your cfls are working out great as it stands.
wow, thats perfert for the ghetto u-haul cardboard box, LoL., i like the remote ballast much better, and its only $85 with shipping, good job gumball, thanks.




Well-Known Member
No prob man, anything I can do to help!! Just do me a favor, start plannin out your exhaust/cool tube setup now so you don't jump into a fire when you set it up. I have a bunch of ideas I can throw at ya if you like just let me know. This way, once you have the money you know exactly what needs to be done. I have seen so many not prepared for the temps of HID, and it hurts them. I don't hink you will have a prob if you plan it out.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey thanks gumball, i would probably get a new box and redesign my fan setup for sure and i would assume i would want some kind of cooling for the hps light. the old box is kinda worn down from getting wet a couple times and has big lean to the left. but no biggie on that, there only $13 from u-haul.

ok, its day 60 for the girls and there doing great. i cut a couple of the small leaves from molly around the buds that had trichs just starting on them and dried them out for little bit and WoW!! if this is any indication of what this stuff is gonna be like, well im happy as shit!! definitely couch lock high, i havent been getting high much lately as i dont have any, so this was a nice little buzz. man i cant wait!! the twins are still green so i am assuming that there still alive, today is day 8 for them. oh, and molly smells like a dam pine tree, i ran my fingers across her and it smells just like pine sap, thats cool!!

im for sure gonna make some hash out of the trimmings from these plants this time. i found these on ebay and i can get both for less that $25 shipped.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
thanks r2, its day 61 and the girls are doing great. since starting the schultz, it seems the buds are getting more plump, but just might be me with wishful thinking, LoL. but they sure are looking really sweet. the temp runs between 79 to 86 and the humidity is 35% to 45% which all seems good.

well the clones are still green after 9 days so i can only assume again that they are still alive and growing roots. i really want to get them into there own pots, but wont do so until i know there are roots. im up to 18/6 on the twins but might just go to 24 hours till i see roots? but over all, im very happy with the way everything is going, heres the daily pics.



Well-Known Member
Hey dude, all is looking great! Go ahead and take the clones to 24/0 in the same increments you have been. They are probably growing roots like you said, but the have to reveg a little too. So by taking them to 24/0 at say 30 minute increments that will take 12 days to get top 24, then turn right back around and it will take you 12 more days to get back down to 18/6, then 12 more days to get them down to 12/12. That's 36 days right there, + the 9 since they have been cloned, should be about right on time for your schedule. Yoyu may leave them at 24/0 for a few days. Then once you get them back down to 12/12, take more clones and start them at 12/12 and start back up again, continuing the cycle. Just some thoughts, hope it helps.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
will do gumball, i gave them a little tug just now and they didnt lift out of the peet ball, so the roots are starting. when should i put them into the soil/pots? thanks for all the help!!



Well-Known Member
You can prob drop 'em in a pot now, as long as you can keep a humidity dome on them. Maybe wait till ya get to 21/3, then pot em. Or when you see roots come out the side.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah, i'll wait a couple more days, i got a lot of shit running through my head right now, heres a couple of my ideas.
1: i want to use these for my pots, i have 2 of them and a tin foil bake pan i could use for the drip/catch pan. so the plan would be to start them off in the 6" pots then transfer them to these 4 gallon kitty litter buckets (i had used 1 of them for a hydro bucket in my first grow). i thought about transplanting the current plants to them, but its to late into the grow so im not gonna mess with it.
2: is getting the a box, but again, that will have to wait till this grow is done.
3: that dam hps light, man i really want that thing, with the new buckets, i think i could really get a nice grow with those clones in a new box, with a new light, and in the bigger bucket pots. whoa, look out!!

oh yea, forgot, the peat pellets have like a very light mesh or something, do i cut that off or will it desolve?

so the total for the soil, the light and a new box would be right around a hundred dollars, but would be well worth it. ah, its nice to dream, LoL.

