New CFL 2nd grow using Scott's Hyponex Potting Soil in 6" pots

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
WoW, thanks everybody, really!! i hope everyones grows are doing great also.

its day 39 for the clones, they are in the big box and getting plenty of light now. i still have mixed feelings about them, but have nothing else to grow right now. im going through the seed box and picking a couple more good girls to grow right now. all the buds are still in the box drying and curing, i will give a final weight soon, this will be sad, LoL. thanks again everybody.



Well-Known Member
you need to cut about 4 inches off the main stem. whether you clone that or not is up to you. i have a feeling they will stretch a lot with that height already.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
ok got new these girls are looking good also!makes me want to start new grow NOW !!!!!
cool deal allen, thanks, but there clones of molly and the bud just isnt that great, big disappointment, but at least i know i can clone now.
you need to cut about 4 inches off the main stem. whether you clone that or not is up to you. i have a feeling they will stretch a lot with that height already.
yeah i was thinking the same thing and no i dont want to keep them. as i said above, the pink was a big let down. and on top of that, im having problems with my computer power supply, it just keeps cutting off, when i unplug it and plug it back in, it works for a little bit and cuts off again. without it running all the 12v fans, the box gets up in the low 90's, with it, it stays at 86. it was only $12 on ebay and i have looked at getting another for about the same price on there. that is one thing will have to have to keep growing right now. now as far these 2 girls, i hate to keep them going when i know the buds just arent any good, i dont know why? it sure looks good. im really not sure what to do at this time, kinda bummed.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
day 41 for the clones. they look real good now and have white hairs shooting out all over, i think they want to start flowering. if i top them again, they should get real bushy and have lots of bud sites. then let them veg and recover for about another week, that will put them at about day 48. molly went right 9 weeks of flowering.

now, i just cut a chunk from the molly bud that has been in a jar for about a week, took 3 hits and got a decent body high, my body feels real heavy, so i guess its ok smoke. i will do tests with the 2-1 bud. so far, its been disapointing also. its more of a sleepy stone, but not very strong. nether compare to new bean, wish i could find those seeds again.

heres some pics of the buds, the first one is of the main top from 2-1 that has been drying for a few days. not bad for as short as she was and looks pretty, to bad it sucks, LoL. the next two are the first bud from molly that has been in the jar that i just smoked. as you can see, it didnt lose to much weight after a week from 4.6 to 3.4, it was that dry off the plant. im guessing the one from 2-1 weighed around 14 g's or so when i cut it the other day.

im going to top the 2 clones now and will post a couple pics later. i dont think im gonna keep the cuttings, i would rather just start some more seeds and see what i get.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
ok, so i just cut 2 new clones from the old clones and heres what i did.
step 1: cut the 2 bigger tops from each of the old clones.
step 2: i put 2 jiffy peat pellets in rain water to expand and i laid the clones in the water to stay fresh.
step 3: with the pellets expanded, i sprayed the clones to get the stems good and soaked.
step 4: then i took each clone and dipped it in the schultz take root powder and got a good amount on the stem.
step 5: i made a hole in the middle of the peat pellet and put the cutting down in the hole and pushed the top around the stem to get a good fit.
step 6: i then sprayed the clones with water and put some more in the tray and put them in the under the lights with the other clones.
and there you have it, 2 new clones. should be able to tell in about 10 days if they take and start rooting. so molly lives on again. i dont know why im keeping this going but this is a good learning tool on how to do this.



Well-Known Member
it is a good learning tool concord, great job! +REP.

plus, you may not like hte smoke from molly that much, but maybe you could trade with one of your friends and get something different when it is harvested. there is no sense in wasting possible plants, or plants at all!!

edit: must spread some rep around blah, blah, blah

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
thanks gumball, i think after being in the jars for a while it will be ok, not great, but good decent smoke.

its day 43 for the girls (the old clones will be named soon) and they have more new growth coming from them now, they look great. i got the temp down to 88 right now with reworking some of the fans. none of of the smallm 80mm 12v fans are running right now. i had to change the lower 6" intake fan that had stopped working also, everything kinda went at once, LoL.

the new computer power supply should be here by the end of the week, that will let me have the 2 80mm fans in the veg box going and the 4 12v fans in the big box running again. those little 80mm fans really help with cooling when placed in the right spot. i have the 6" fan in the big box running from a printer power supply i had for now and 1 80mm exhaust fan running in the veg box off a extra 5v phone charger i had, it is all working alright for now. its day 3 for the new clones and there still bright green, looking good so far.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
well here it is, the final weight
molly: 26.4
2-1: 7.5
total: 33.9 grams
and i'd say another 7 grams that i've smoked so far here and there and test buds if that.
very disapointing for 2 plants.
remember, new bean had 52.7 grams total from just the one plant and was much better bud, oh well.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update CD! I'm curious how much bud I will yield off my two girls.. I'm not expecting anything crazy but your girls sure did look good, at least you know you did pretty much everything you could to keep them happy!! Maybe its time for a seed order, I'm sure attitude will have an offer this month!!


Active Member
well here it is, the final weight
molly: 26.4
2-1: 7.5
total: 33.9 grams
and i'd say another 7 grams that i've smoked so far here and there and test buds if that.
very disapointing for 2 plants.
remember, new bean had 52.7 grams total from just the one plant and was much better bud, oh well.
33.9 grams is better than 0 grams bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
well here it is, the final weight
molly: 26.4
2-1: 7.5
total: 33.9 grams
and i'd say another 7 grams that i've smoked so far here and there and test buds if that.
very disapointing for 2 plants.
remember, new bean had 52.7 grams total from just the one plant and was much better bud, oh well.
hey man, dont let that disappoint you. you got an ounce of herb, and your unemployed. and it cost you what, $10 bucks a month for electricity. great job really. these next 2 clones will do well also because they were topped. you should try to lst more this time, while there young. it makes a big difference.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update CD! I'm curious how much bud I will yield off my two girls.. I'm not expecting anything crazy but your girls sure did look good, at least you know you did pretty much everything you could to keep them happy!! Maybe its time for a seed order, I'm sure attitude will have an offer this month!!
yeah im really looking forward to growing some good shit soon. i think you'll get more than i did, well i hope you do, good luck bro.
33.9 grams is better than 0 grams bongsmilie
yes, your right, i should be happy i have something at least.
hey man, dont let that disappoint you. you got an ounce of herb, and your unemployed. and it cost you what, $10 bucks a month for electricity. great job really. these next 2 clones will do well also because they were topped. you should try to lst more this time, while there young. it makes a big difference.
yes thats all true, so i guess i should be happy with it. and yes, i will do some lst'in with the girls.

heres a couple pics from today.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
ok, so i slacked off the last couple days, the 2 girls are doing just fine and tonight i will switch them to 12/12. the other 2 clones i took were kinda limp, so i decided not to finish them. i will just keep the 2 girls going for now.

yeah gumball, there growing real nice, i might tie them down here in a little bit. heres some pics.

well ive been smoking the buds for a week now and its just ok, wish it would have been stronger like new bean, but better than nothing.



Well-Known Member
looks good man! too bad on the other clones, just means time to pull out the seed stash and play the lottery!!

tie one down real good, then on the other one, either below where you cut the new clones from, or on one of the two new tops, pinch, and fold, pinch and fold. SUPERCROPPING BABY!!! :bigjoint: you have a great chance to try some cool growing techniques. you should really think about it.


New Member
i grow and flower 4- 3-5 foot plants in my box with only 2-3 150eq cfl's on each. second harvest almost 2 ounces a plant dry. bro you gotta get your lights way closer in young growth will build a thicker,fatter,bushier plant and yeaid you alot more. that plant is only just over 6 weeks total from seed. I use terra flora products, i keep temps at 82-86, they love it, when i strated with cfl's i was a mess, it takes alot of time and efforet and knowledge to get big yields with cfl's, but you can do it. And i could get more but i ran out of height in my grow set up// good job though any smoke is better than none

