New CFL grow attempt.


Hi guys, this is second attempt at growing an indoor plant ( the first one went horribly wrong with a light accident). This time I am just going to try grow one plant, and hope to put it out for the outdoor season soon.

The plant is about 2 weeks old since seed in ground (did not germinate before hand) and is from a good score of bag seed. I am using mainly perlite mixxed with normal potting soil and 2 computer fans for ventalation.

I'm useing one 42 watt CFL about 2 inches away from the main foilage. Have just been watering with ordinary tap water that has been left out for a few days to remove chlorine.
Just want some opinions on how shes looking :D.



Well-Known Member
Nutes this early? I thought you were supposed to wait till the 3 week mark before adding anything but water.


Active Member
im just a noob, but id be a lil more concerned with some more light than nutes at this point. just my opinion. :)


Active Member
just took for granted that since it was in the indoor forum and you said its your 2nd attempt at growing an indoor plant, that it was in fact an indoor plant. my mistake.