New clones black growth? piks included


Active Member
hello, so here's my dilemma any help would be greatly appreciated,bought these(two,three week old clones) off of the internet,immediately started seeing this black sht at the top of the new growth was on 2 then 3 of my new girls,(strains gods gift & bubba) second day 4 have it, there in f.f. ocean forest, came in soil, between 8 & 12 in, in hight, lower leaves look dark green & leathery? distorted growth on new leafs IE twisted small,stunned i did just re pot 4 days ago? have you seen this black shit??? all i can come up w/ as a diagnosis is pythium wilt rot???



Well-Known Member
I don't think repotting had anything to do with it.

Offhand it just looks like maybe it's overwatered and being kept in too humid of an environment causing some type (there are hundreds) of rot in the crown. Fungal, bacterial, or viral.

If the plant has been damp I'd be airing that thing out, put low fan on it, and letting the soil dry.

If the environment is already relatively dry and you have not over watered, letting the soil dry between waterings, then I have no idea.


Active Member
Thanks, fans a blowin,and i sprayed a h202 solution Manley were the black growth seams to be there in octo pots so they water themselves, idk the soil they came in was pretty saturated.