New clones - first time grower - new growth is BRIGHT green and droopy


Hey all!

I'm a new grower and I've been making a few observations about my new clones.
-I brought them home last friday (07/09)
-MG organic potting soil. Haven't used any nutes.
-I've watered them twice using distilled water.
-I'm using 6 26w 6500k CFL's.
-They're currently in a closet space that's roughly 2ftx3ftx5ft.
-One clone is Blueberry (the one with the purple stems)
-One clone is White Rhino.

The WR clone is slightly tilted due to a light fixture falling on top of it two days after I got it (the stem snapped but was still connected by a small portion of the outer wall). Surprisingly, it has been doing fairly well since then.

The Blueberry clone has had great growth, but the new leaves coming out are bright green and kinda droopy. They're not quite as yellow as they appear in the picture.

It looks like a healthy color of green as far as vegetation goes, but I suppose the noob in me and the inexperience of it being my first time growing wants me to figure out what's up. Maybe transplant shock for the Blueberry clone and possibly shock from the stalk breaking for the WR clone?

Anyway, here are the pictures. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks friends.



Active Member
AIYEEEEEEEEE! MG ORGANIC! AIYEEEEEEEEE!!... I apologize for my immediate reaction but after my sudden neut burn experience with MG "organic choice" I decided that was the last MG product I would be using... and at 8.99 a bag eesh... but my clones are doing the exact same thing I think it's just because I didn't properly harden them to their new environment I just got them out of the humidity tent and placed them in my veg box. Anyone else have any thoughts? no worry's personally though I am just being patient with them seeing how long before they really take off :)


I feel as though if it were neut burn then the leaves would look far worse than they do. I suppose it could be a pH issue... but I don't know. After more research into these symptoms, is it possible they're getting chlorophyll bleaching? Maybe all I need to do is shut off a couple of lights until the root system is more established? But if that were the case, then the other leaves would probably be getting lighter in color as well, right?

Thoughts from any of you seasoned growers out there?


Well-Known Member
hey i think that you might have too much light on them, they say that clones do not need alot of light when there roots havent developed yet,
you could just use one of those 26watters for now and once they root put all of the lights back on
hey i just cut sum sour jack clones last fri too i start mine off in jiffy pellets and alil perilite around the base of the pellet then dome that stuff spray the inside of the domes with ro water once rooted i transfer them to either happy frog or ocean forrest fox farms preferablly the ocean forrest that mg organic is nasty stuff and you will get that yellowing and eventually they could possibly turn for the worst get them out of that and into something better


Yeah, you've got some nice looking clones Jesus. My clones looked pretty good when I planted them too. But the new growth that's appearing is just so light in color and droopy. It's a lot of growth - I'll add - it's just strange growth... /facepalm


The house in general is kept pretty cool... the room temp in the basement where they are is generally in the mid to high 60's. In the closet, with the fan and the CFL's as close as they are, the site of the plants is kept in the mid to high 70's. So I don't think it's a heat issue... but hey, I can always recheck the thermometer and see where the temp is now.

I'm struggling to figure out what the issue is :cry:


Alright... So after about 12 hours of the plants being under only 4 26w CFL's, the rest of the leaves on both plants are slowly lightening in color. The entire leaf is evenly lightening in color. Which leads me to a nute problem I think.

But is it too much or too little of a nute?


Aaaaaalright. Went to the local hydro/grow store and described the issue to one of the guys working there. He suspected the nutrients in the MG soil were just too strong for the clones and suggested I transplant them to FFOF soil. It has only been a couple of hours but It appears as though the leaves are already beginning to perk up a little. If the color returns to a better green, then I'll consider this a success!

Hopefully all works out.
im not too shure how much heat those cfl s put out i would try getting a t5 and maybe trimm those bigger leaves in half
uhh ya those are 4' T5's, eight in total, and I got them just for the summer time for the lower heat and in the winter I am back to my 2-400HPAlso dont mention trimming fan leaves around here you will be crucified, I dont touch the fan leaves ever unless they are falling off near the end, its how the plants get energy,

Photosynthesis (from the Greek
φώτο- [photo-], "light," and σύνθεσις [synthesis], "putting together", "composition") is a process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars, using the energy from sunlight.[1]