New crazy strain!?


Active Member

That plant is sick. If the leave veins are darker then the leaf itself it's got a problem. It sounds like a Nitrogen deficiency. Also take a look at Iron and Sulfu deficiency's cause they seem close to a Nitrogen deficiency.
... it seems the camera may have skewed the colors as thi yellowing is more of a vibrant green identical in color to the new growth from some of the "healthy" plants. ...
I'm not saying your wrong M4A1, I agree the plant looks off. But I've never seen a plant with a deficiency have "vibrant green identical in color to the new growth from some of the "healthy" plants". Or said about one "im under the belife its just how the plants growing as it looks healthy".

But I'm not claiming I'm 100% right, I'm just postulating theories, like he asked us to in the OP.

Good luck everyone,


Active Member
little update on the plant, which i still haven't thought of a name for hahah, i guess that is what happenes when you smoke with a goal in mind, you end up completely forgetting

either way, after looking at the post from M4A1 on possible nitrogen deff. i decided that i would give it a try, i added water soulable nitrogen to a seperate watering bottle and just went out and fed it (still with the blooming nutes) i figure if this is the problem the new growth will tell me, and if not... its nitrogen it can only help make it bigger.

i will check back up on it in a couple days, if i don't see any improvment im going to folier feed with epsom salt... and if THAT dosn't work, looks like we got a mutant on our hands.

Still no sign of sex on the plant, and i already have budd sights on some of the others... maybe its a slow girl

ill keep you all updated on the status, thanks for everyones help... feel free to keep brainstorming on this one!!


Active Member
so for an update it didn't repsond to th nitrogen the new growth is still similar, im going to try sulfur to see if it could be that... then i guess settle for some wierd genetics!