New deal going down. opinions?


Well-Known Member
*Yes this is the short version. sorry for long post*

Long story short. i went to a Halloween party on saturday, yeah it was an early 1 coz the people are busy/away this weekend. anyway, i see my friend there that ive known all my life, 21 years. we went to exactly the same school. nursery, juniors,high school,college.

he was with one of his other m8s that i didnt know, i mean, we had smoked b4 but i didnt really know him that well.

so we get chatting with the beers flowing.... ya know how it is. it turns out that some of my last grow found its way to him.

somehow we got talking business. i say to him, come outside and try it. so we go round back and light 1 up. he said he likes it and he could shift nearly all my harvest within a couple days. so we swap phone numbers and nothing seemed dodgy or weird or paranoid about it. it was cool.

so then after the party, we go back to my place and fire some more up and talk abit more.

now.... i have just sent him a text seeing if he could take any off my hands in the next 2 days as ive gotta make a deposit in the bank on friday morning. he text me back and says he has already sold 5 sacks. so naturally, im like......wooo yerrrr, smokeh is getting paid. i also sent him a text saying that there will be no deals from my place. i will drop it off. so he says yeah, no worries mate, u can trust me, this could be a good thing.

then, he sends me a text about 20 minutes later asking when my next batch is ready. i told him that this is it until December and then i wont be doing it again.

* reason i am stopping growing is because my gf (wife to be) and son are moving in so i dont really wanna be growing pot around them *

so he texts me back saying that it was a shame and if every1 is happy with it there would be a reason to carry on.

now... first of all im all happy until this point.

he says he sells to two people from a club. whether this be a night club, sports club, med club, i dunno but it seems abit dodgy.

this could be a good time to grow to make some money with all this credit crunch bollox. it would give me (us) abit more money in hard times. i already work 40 hours a week for an engineering company and my gf is not working bcoz she is looking after our son.

so, should i try to convince the missus i can grow again? i dont wanna end up like people u see in films. like Blow... starts dealing bud then coke then ends up behind bars.

i think thats about it, please give me ur comments.


Well-Known Member
I'd go with my gut.. you have more to lose than you do to gein.. if you were a single person like me, i'd say fuck it grow that shit.. but you have a son.. you can't act like an irresponsible young guy anymore...

I would grow enough for me, but I hate dealing with those shady back-alley motherfucker's and in MS where i'm at, it's so hard to find any at a reasonable price that even your bestfriends are ripping you off, folks gettin shot over 200 dollars.. it's crazy..

Do what you think is best for your son and your ole lady man, they ahve to come first now..


Active Member

It's really not worth the risk this time!

Just start buying and selling shit on eBay and you'll make as much as you could make doing small grows anyway, if the money's that big a deal.


Well-Known Member
UK or USA???


It's really not worth the risk this time!

Just start buying and selling shit on eBay and you'll make as much as you could make doing small grows anyway, if the money's that big a deal.
i tried to look for a 2nd job but then i realised i wouldnt be able to see my family. so growing gives me that bit of extra money.

growing is ideal for making money for me. im never at home, only a few hours a day, enough time to look after the grow. otherwise i got no other free time.

im just thinking about it thats all. this guy seems ok, after all he is my good friends friend. seems to know his stuff and i am selling to just him... he can sell to whoever he wants.

i dont think i will be growing again though unles we need the money. times are hard...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man its a tough call with a bairn to consider

the thing is though presently in the UK its a slap on the wrist to get caught with a few plants its hardly like your looking at jail time but its the aggro of having to explain it to the family or work etc.

im paying mr barclays and crapital one with my proceeds... so long as you can keep it locked away from the family its no worries but i know i was into everything as a kid.

shit i was trying to give advice then the moral question sideswiped me like.

fuck youll know yourself if it feels wrong dont do it?!


Well-Known Member
man its a tough call with a bairn to consider

the thing is though presently in the UK its a slap on the wrist to get caught with a few plants its hardly like your looking at jail time but its the aggro of having to explain it to the family or work etc.

im paying mr barclays and crapital one with my proceeds... so long as you can keep it locked away from the family its no worries but i know i was into everything as a kid.

shit i was trying to give advice then the moral question sideswiped me like.

fuck youll know yourself if it feels wrong dont do it?!
are u from liverpool?

i guess every1 is just gonna give me the "do what u think is right" anwser. thats cool. ill see how i feel about it after xmas.


Well-Known Member
only thing i would say is that dealing is fine but dont let the people moving your work know you grow r where you live you shouldnt have told him you grow if you just met jhim and you defibately shouldnt have taken him to your spot big mistake other than that th extra money would help oso if you tightened up your lips a little you should be ok


Well-Known Member
^ Ya, that was your biggest mistake, don't take it any farther, don't let the guy get too comfortablle. He may be a potiental good friend or whatever, buisness first here, don't get screwed.

Good luck, and ya...times are rough, really rough right now..


Well-Known Member
^ Ya, that was your biggest mistake, don't take it any farther, don't let the guy get too comfortablle. He may be a potiental good friend or whatever, buisness first here, don't get screwed.

Good luck, and ya...times are rough, really rough right now..
yer, just trying to be as careful as poss. at least i wont be the one driving all the way round town, he will.

and yeah, sucks that times are hard then i wouldnt have to sell it.


Well-Known Member
only thing i would say is that dealing is fine but dont let the people moving your work know you grow r where you live you shouldnt have told him you grow if you just met jhim and you defibately shouldnt have taken him to your spot big mistake other than that th extra money would help oso if you tightened up your lips a little you should be ok

top advice


Well-Known Member
only thing i would say is that dealing is fine but dont let the people moving your work know you grow r where you live you shouldnt have told him you grow if you just met jhim and you defibately shouldnt have taken him to your spot big mistake other than that th extra money would help oso if you tightened up your lips a little you should be ok
i told him i grew the last stuff that found its way to him. i did take him back to my house but no1 saw the grow.