New England In the House


Well-Known Member
Yes, thats what i like to see, how tall are they? I have some gnarrrly 6-7 footers goin bushy as fuck. One of em is stretchin way too much and i dont think shell make it but oh well.
most of the plants are about 5-6 feet tall id say about the same height as me , and my white widow is probably about 4 to 4.5 feet tall


most of the plants are about 5-6 feet tall id say about the same height as me , and my white widow is probably about 4 to 4.5 feet tall
really? ur white widow is that much smaller? I grew mine for a while before the season but now its 9' tall.

but I love the plants on the hill, they look mad healthy


very cool ! Its been a great growing season in New England this year.. as opposed to last year.... I need to get my house out in the middle of knowwhere... I am growing my plants pretty much on my neighbors lawn lol.. (sarcasm) sorta..

is there any chance that the bud shot for my avatar pic is White Widow?
really? ur white widow is that much smaller? I grew mine for a while before the season but now its 9' tall.

but I love the plants on the hill, they look mad healthy
I got the white widow from a friend it was an extra clone ceres seeds. i also didn't put it outside until end of june almost july has tones of buds on it though.
I got the white widow from a friend it was an extra clone ceres seeds. i also didn't put it outside until end of june almost july has tones of buds on it though.
Wow that would have been a monster if it was outside in the middle of may. For the short time its been outside it looks like it has done very well. Good job with your plants! I love growing on hills too. I'll have to take some more pics of mine today when I go check them.


Well-Known Member
mine are 6-7 feet maybe even 7.5 one is stretching pretty bad, but i dont really remember when i put them out, not until at least june. the two good ones are budding like mad but one of em likes to stretch. i have no idea what the strain is