Well-Known Member
I'm terrible at describing taste and smell. Especially right now. My sinuses are a mess as well as just about everything else. Had a sinus issue start up about 3 weeks ago. Then after about a week of that a cough started up and went on for a couple of weeks. Coughed so fucking long and bad a few days ago I woke up thinking I had cracked a rib from coughing. Went to ER had chest xrays done and diagnosed with a nasty bacterial strain of pneumonia. I've been down and fucking out for a few days now. I've had some painful physical shit to deal with over the years but this shit has taken the cake. I drove 12 miles on Saturday and almost had to just pull over on a side road and have a friend come drive for me. Every little bump was a nightmare. Couldn't turn my head without brutal sharp pains. Hacking up mucus and tears coming out of my eyes the pain was so fucking bad. I've never had such a relentless fucking pain in my life. Wasn't planning on getting into all of that lol. I'm on the pitty potty I supposeNo they got decent size last season. What a stem rub smell like.the bt can get huge.