New farmer wonders if it's time...

Hello Growers. This is my first attempt - a gorilla glue now at about week 16. I'm wondering how close we are to chop time. As a whole the plant looks healthy but the colas aren't super thick. In close-up, the pistils are mostly brown, trichomes are mostly milky with a few amber but some are still clear. The pics are from all over the plant. Photo on 21-3-2022 at 3.18 pm.jpgPhoto on 21-3-2022 at 3.14 pm.jpgIMG_7710.JPGIMG_7710.JPG I'm wondering how close we are to chop time. As a whole the plant looks healthy but the colas aren't super thick. In close-up, the pistils are mostly brown, trichomes are mostly milky with a few amber but some are still clear. The pics are from all over the plantPhoto on 21-3-2022 at 3.17 pm.jpgIMG_7708.JPG
Usually you want to plant middle / late summer if its an auto - you planted somewhere at mid December so there’s that.

She is gonna creep as Long it takes to finish.
Is that an auto? If so they can be notorious for going way past the finish times claimed. Regardless, it's not done yet.
xtsho I don't know much about it. Someone gave it to me as a clone so I thought I'd add it to the rose, passionfruit, apple & cherry collection :)