New Firstimer Setup


Active Member
Within the next week or so I am going to start growing for the first time. I will be growing for a friend and he will be helping me out with the equipment.

I will be using a wardrobe that is; ( HxWxL ) 154cm x 48cm x 96cm

I plan on maximising this to the fullest, and if I cant grow many in there, I have another closet the same size, and a clone-like growroom above each closet.

Before I start plannin to myself etc, I was just looking for advice on the forums.

Firstly, what will be the max amount of plants id be able to grow in 1 of these closets and what size lighting will I need?

I will be probably growing some violator kush, mk ultra and some blueberry. What do you guys think will go a good amount of time to veg these for ? Are these ok for my space etc?

Also, what will the heat be like inside the closet with the plants + bulb? I live in england so its usually pretty cold temps. Also for my budget im more than likely going to get a HPS bulb.

Also ( again ), what will the smell be like? I will be getting a carbon filter.

Sorry if ive asked questions that dont need to be asked, I just wana get everything right.




Well-Known Member
I did the same thing 2 years ago with my3ftx3ftx8ft closet.I used a 400w mh along with 5 t-5s 6500k(blue) for veg.I left the lights on for 18 hours on 6 hours off for 6 weeks.I also used homemade co2.I started out w/ @ 16 plants or so.After the 6th week i switched from mh to hps and used t-5 lights 3500k(red) and 12/12 on/off.After about 10 or so days the males started to show.When they did i removed them.I ended up with 8 females but 2 died so 6 girls.I grew in soil in 1 gallon pots.Plants got to be 18 to 24 inches in hieght and I Fimmed/topped them at the 4th node/branch, so they got to be about 15 to 18 inches wide.It took about 60 days to mature and they smelled up my whole house.That was before i got some good ventilation and a filter.I grew in the winter (NJ-USA) but did have problems with heat build up and had to leave the door cracked at times.I live alone and it wasnt a problem too.I used organic nutes for veg and flower. Good luck to you and keep asking questions.


Well-Known Member
I'm using a 22" x 20" x 5ft. closet.. I was using T5's but now a 430 HPS.... I can grow two full size 4 ft plants or 3-6 auto's.. a couple of plants don't smell too much... My heat runs from 76-82 I'm using one 18" fan overhead but will add two small instead.. one at the top (hot out) at the bottom (cool in).. being in the UK you'll have less heat issues... Luck.




Well-Known Member
For me 6 was the limit maybe even less.It was xtremly tight in the closet.I since moved to a larger room in my home to grow.If i were to use that closet again i would go for 4,but again do you plan on topping them for more colas or a single cola per plant?????Also indicas are known for their bushiness(for the lack of a better word)You may be better off just trying to grow 2 indicas fimmed.I'm sure that will fill up your space nicely What is your method of growing????Soil,Hydro or aero???


Active Member
Apologies for the late reply.

I will be getting a 1msq grow tent off a fellow friend along with all the equipment for my first grow.

I was going to grow 2 WW 3 WR and the rest arjans haze or something until I fill up the room completely.

Guessing ill be able to get 10 max altogether in there?

Anyway, since attitude didnt respond in time to my emails, they sent me the seedsman feminized ww. I asked them in a email to replace it with greenhouse black and white mix since id be getting 2 sets of quality genetics. But they musnt of got the email.

So now the rest of my plants are either gonna be arjans haze, pineapple express or violator kush or some other kush.

I think I will be growing soil unless im confused and whati m being given is a hyrdo kit.

I will let you guys know.

