New Flowering Pics


Well-Known Member
Wow man,

For a ghetto rig that plant is doing beautiful! At 3 weeks it looks like you will be right on time for a week 8 harvest! +rep!


MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Looking good man. I was considered doing a similar style of lighting but realized I would end up spending like $50 buying all of those desk lights and CFL's. I went with the $30 HPS instead, but it is nice to see that those lights do damn well too. The bud sights are almost the same size as mine which is also 3 weeks into flowering, but your girl is a whole lot bigger. Good job man and hope to see her done in 4-6 weeks.


Well-Known Member
im gonna make this thread my grow journal from now until harvest so ill be posting pics daily if i can and ill check bout three times a da so subscribe and enjoy