New from midwest US


Yep. I have some outdoor growing experience, nothing too special. I'm just now getting into indoor growing.
I'm working with a 2x2.5x4.5 foot space a 175w MH, two 10 inch spun reflectors, and a couple 42-85w 2700-3000 K cfls.
I recently had to abort mission :cry: but I had been flowering under just those bulbs and was pleased with the results, especially for my first trial.
Now I have a new location and I really want to figure out things like cooling and scent control (I'm in more or less a studio) before I even sprout a seed. That's kinda the two the reasons I had to bail last time :dunce:... Any way I've been lurking for a while and I'm not gonna waste any fucking time reading (and only THEN) posting like a maniac getting some pros opinions on things like... cooling, and scent control...


two best veg'ers and earliest flowers from that most fatefull of grows were indeed bagseed. I got two force-femmed Blue Cheese seeds from a guy and one didn't even sprout it's second set of actual leaves, and the other made for a sexy, healthy plant with nice thick stems and not too much foliage, but she was just a small, slow to flower underachiever. I think that's because it wasn't as genetically tollerent of non aerated water and stealth mandated neglect that the other two were.


Active Member
first grow using cfl and mg potting mix. at the end of the earth lucky to find this in january. only plant going but wondering when is a good time to top? the plant is about 2 wks old and it is starting the fourth node almost to hard to see it unless my face is right over it. need to keep it short because grow space is under a 15 gal garbage can with the lights suspended about 3 inches above the tip. oh yeah working with mexi bagseed to get my stroke down.


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU as far as topping you can top any where above the 5th node some do it earlier but thats when i do when i do top...