New Gardener


Hey, I just signed up here because I just started growing a few plants, but have a few questions (which I will sort out) about growing since Im somewhat of a noob to growing my own :bigjoint:
just wanted to say hi and if u see my questions plz help and answer :D


well I have my brother helping a bit but Im still lost on some things. right now I have to transplant my sprouts into another pot, which I have to do carefully, but I was wondering many things. Here goes: How many plants can I have in a 5" pot? How deep do I put them? do I water them instantly? What wattage lights should I use in this stage? Flourescent? Im sure theres more those are the main ones though


Well-Known Member
1 plant per pot always
Never have more than one plant per pot
Bury the seedlings up a half inch under the first set of leaves
Yes you water them when you transplant
Yes you can use flouros or CFL's for this stage
About 50 watts per plant will be alright


can I manage putting 2 in one pot? or is that a serious risk? and as for lighting, I have flourescent lights but dont understand them or the lighting thing at all...


ooh well all my questions (for now) have been answered :D thanks so much for the help, youll be hearing from me again soon!


ok another question. I need to know what kind of soil to get? is this also fertilizer? or is that another thing? Also is there a specific kind of flourescent light to get? I have a lighting fixture for one bulb will that be enough? It takes a giant lightbulb.

Ok maybe this will be easier:
What in all do I need for growing about 6 plants? (already sprouted)
you can look on craigslist for a grow light start out with 200w or 400w up to you and how much money you want to spend. I use black gold soil. look for a hydroponics shop near you they have good soil. you also need nutriants i use fox farm.