NEW GROW a little help please.....


New Member
hi first timers here.......a little about us: my partner just got his med card approved for 300 plants! We have started from seed 5 fem bc kush and 4 of an indoor solar mix from Jordan of the islands. the plan is to keep the kush as mothers and flower the solars with a bunch of clones to get us going. we have a trailer we are working on to flower in and will keep the moms and our own clones later in the house veg room. At this point with our seedlings they were doing great until I waited WAY too long to transplant from their solo cups to 3 gal pots :wall: they were completely root bound and I think suffered quite a bit. SO my FIRST QUESTION is will that affect the quality of my clones if the mothers were stressed in their early stage??IMG_7165.jpg this is how big they were in there :? we were building a cfl light large enough to cover them in 3 gal pots and I didn't want to transplant until I had a light for them. that's why it was done late. prob should have just done it anyway but too late now. which brings me to QUESTOIN #2 and 3 about my lights: I've got 6 65w 6500x bulbs covering them now I drilled a couple more holes to have 4 sockets/splitters evenly across. should I add another 2 lights or would that be overkill?IMG_7206.jpgIMG_7208.jpg I still need to paint the bottom of the light white and add some sort of reflector around any suggestions? I was thinking maybe that thick white plastic like what you would use for signs but i'm not too sure about heat? could use more sub flooring and paint it but that would make it heavy. sheet metal is too expensive.......idk what to use. some input on this would be great it needs something the sooner the better. We will be building grow room to house all the plants hopefully this summer and will have it properly set up but for now we are just trying to get as much going in our trailer for as cheap as possible. that's why we are using cfl, making our lights ect. I plan on posting pics and questions on our journey to 300 as things progress. help designing our flower room ect. like I said we are totally new to this and just got handed a 300 plant card :-P. in our trailer I've got 2 spaces 4x6 and could light up a 2x4 space in there aswell. QUESTION 4: I was thinking of putting one clone per sq ft and doing a scrog grow. would that be the best use of space in thereÉ WTF my key board is now in French and I can`t type a question mark...what ever. And now for the shitty part of my little grow my root bound babies that were just transplanted 2 days ago have some markings on the leaves........IMG_7212.jpgIMG_7211.jpgIMG_7209.jpg QUESTION 5: every one seems to have different markings any ideas...deficiency, chem burn, lights too closeÉ (damn a question mark is now an É how the hell did I do thatÉ) I read about being root bound and it can show signs of deficiency ect, possibly thatÉ I havnt been controlling their environment the temp ranges from 78-65 at night humidity usually around 45-50. I also have a 18 inch fan on constantly. maybe they are blowing too much. maybe I should put our humidifier up there isn't 60% optimalÉ (damn that És annoying) lights are on 18-6 and that#s been consistent since seed. I was using plant-prod all purpose 20-20-20 fert with micronutrients. I had used it 3 times once a week. first at quarter strength next a little more and a little more. I#ve since gone to the local hydro store and got some cannabis specific stuff that the guy said was really good and had everything weed needed for veg or bloom. I havn#t tried it yet as I just fed before transplanting. I#m hoping with their new pots and new nutes that they#ll take off now and be fine. any helpful advice or info is greatly appreciated! thanks. oh one LAST QUESTION: thinking of using plastic grow bags for the clones in the trailer. white on the outside black on the inside. has anyone used themÉ do they work wellÉ any known problems with using them or things to keep an eye out when using themÉ thanks again


Well-Known Member
why would he/she need 300 plants? You may want to go to norml and look at the federal penalties for large grow ops. I also wouldn't be posting pics here of huge operations, you can have all the state cards you want if the feds catch wind you will get fucked. I know this post will probably just make you defensive but I had to put it up. Good Luck and happy growing.

edit: if you're going to go big use HID not cfls.


New Member
we are actually in bc and my partner doesn't smoke but wants to make balms/tinctures and juicing which a lot of buds are needed to make hence the large amount. We don't currently have the space for them all but hope to have something remote (in the works anyway) this summer. for now we just have the small trailer I described and don't want to put much $ into it as it's only temporary. i'll be looking for advice on planning our new set up later when the time comes. but for now i'm looking for advice on this grow and gain some much needed experience...


New Member
anyone have any info on if my clones will be affected if the moms were stressed/stunted early on? the spots on leaves? what to finish my lights with? if I should add 2 more bulbs to the current set up? if one plant/sqft scrog in a 4x6' area is a good use of space? experience with plastic grow bags? thanks for any feed back!


Well-Known Member
im in the process of reading your post so bear with me for a second but in the future you should limit your posts to one paragraph tops if its your topic and limit it to maybe 2 questions per topic at the most people don't want to sit down a read a short story


Well-Known Member
lol 300 plants = federal raid. i live in illinois and i can grow 50 the first time and get a deferral but after that im going under the jail if i do 50 more.


Well-Known Member
If you're heading towards a bigger grow, ditch the CFL's. The only reason to use CFL's is lack of money or space. Having a ton of CFL's will generate as much heat as a 1000w HPS light set-up, and the HPS will give you a much better yield.


Well-Known Member
so i'll just knock these out as i read

first off...

#1 they look beautiful which leads me to believe they weren't too bound a severly root bound plant can start turning yellow leaves look burnt branches die
so in short no will not effect quality a little stress here and there isnt bad the major issues you come across that can over stress is heat, deficiency, over watering and under watering

no that would not be over kill if anything underkill your looking at around 8k lumens with light placement and penetration with a base around 20k you should get 2700k tho and mix your spectrum mix spectrum with cfls are a must imo
you do not need a reflector for cfls that small any reflected light would be just that and wouldn't be enough to effect the plants

i think you miss understand what scrog means its screen of green you lay a screen over your girls during flower pull only the bud sites thru the screen and cut everything below like a sog sea of green just with a screen typically you would use this tech if your growing 2 or 3 monsters in a small space

pic 1 and 2 is being over watered pic two got water on her leaves with lights on and got a burnt spot pic 3 too early to tell
people talk about wind burn... yea right check out my grow room people talk about too much wind will blow trics off... yea right it looks like its been snowing in my grow room.

humidity is fine don't bother with the humidifier iv had it as low as 20s and it didn't bother them one bit

get foxfarm or dyna grow (i use both) all purpose sucks

last question
grow bags are fine that's what i use befor i transplant for flower personally if your shooting for a 300 plant grow i would use nursery pots or just do hydro that many plants in soil is a full time job

p.s don't waste your time with cfls for flower just get a 250w hps you will not regret it

just to retort what roach said yea a lot of cfls can get hot i have a 150w hps that runs cooler then my 125w cfls


New Member
Thanks for the input. note taken about smaller posts. When we get our permanent location set up we will invest in proper lights, go hydro ect. for now the little trailer gets hot in the summer and I don't want to invest in cooling ect since it's just temporary. i hear ya about the hps for flowering and will get there eventually with the permanent set up. I've got some 65w 2700k flower bulbs, just thought i should only be using 6500k for veggin? ok so i'll add the 4th socket and mix a couple 2700k's in there. heck i can put 5 across and have 10 65w bulbs going :-P I've quit using the all purpose fertalizer and have one specifically for weed from the local grow store. waiting until they need water again to feed them though. so over watering? i'll have to watch that i did give them a good watering (ran through the bottom then drained the dish) when they were transplanted 2 days ago. as you usually do when you transplant anything. maybe i shouldn have ? QUESTION: i know to let it dry out a bit in between waterings, but when you do water should you let it come out the bottom then drain the dish so it isn't sitting in water OR just water it a bit/not running through the bottom? HOT SHOT: we are in bc we can have a max 292 legally :) up to 18lbs stored, 4lb on him and as long as we aren't over that they can't touch it. heck i could get mine and we could double it up, lol.


once your soil has dried a bit water them every time till the water come out the hole in bottom this will ensure your using the correct amount.....if water is not seeping through the drainage holes then you simply haven't watered enough....


Well-Known Member
yea like he said i drown my ladies when i water so its pouring out of the bottom i stole some black trays from taco bell (lol) i sit my pots on to contain the runoff i just let the water sit and let the lights evaporate it into the air i like to think it gives them a boost of rh feeding thru their leaves too but in reality its just a excuse for me to be lazy :bigjoint:


New Member
ok yeah that's what i thought. i did that sunday and the soil seems pretty damp still. they are in normal pots except for 2 which have holes drilled, maybe i'll add a few more just to make sure it's draining good. also i mixed about 25% perlite in normal potting soil. gonna be quite a few days before it dries a bit and i can feed them their new nutes though. the guy at the store said to do it every 2-3 waterings. does that sound about right? even if there's like 5 days between watering? seems like not enough. i keep thinking just use common sense and try to neglect them a bit, not over feed or mess with them too much. which is hard......i'm constantly looking at em :grin: i bought my trays from the dollar store 3 for a buck and i though that was a good from taco bell sounds even beter!


Well-Known Member
they'll continue to eat as long as the moisture is still in the soil if they're drinking more water then nutes when the water drys up the extra nutes will dry out too and eventually cause a salt build up i feed with every watering just less instead of full doses every other watering flushing every couple weeks i flush with a microbe tea just to keep a healthy root zone but thats another story

yes by all means neglect as a new grower you will baby the fuck out of your girls to death literally thats a fact everyones done it

point in case look at the first pic you posted of the 3 notice how her leaves are kind of curled over and starting to claw almost looks as if shes thirsty in which case you water some more which is probably what you've already done when it doubt wait it out weed is just that a weed unless your positive of how to fix the problem just wait best case scenario it fixes itself worst case you over feed over water cause nute lock out root rot phyth sets in and you open your grow room one day and all of your girls are shriveled up and dead

what can really mess you up actually got me the other day

i planted my girl in a 5g pot about 3 weeks ago before i started her on flower watered had a little brew left over from my hydro res so i poured it into my soil girl the following day few days later next thing i kno her leaves are starting to droop so i didn't think anything of it thought it might just be overwatering i did just water her i lifted the pot(my soil girls are in coco peat so when they dry out the pots are feather light) the pot was still a little heavy let it go a few days (when in doubt wait it out) leaves were drooping more stuck my finger in the top of the soil was bone dry well the top was dry but the roots hadn't made it to the bottom of the 5g pot yet so she pulled a fast one on me


New Member
good to know..check the top when first transplanted. I actually havn't watered any of them since those pics were taken but they were taken just after I transplanted and watered em good. i'm hoping the droop and almost worn look of some of the leaves was due to being root bound or watering. new homes and feeding weed specific veg nutes soon should hopefully keep em healthy now. fingers crossed. gonna work on my lighting and trailer tonight. hopefully get a bunch of clones rockin soon :D the craziest thing is we don't even smoke it, BUT i'm totally into growing it.


New Member
so I added 4 more lights seems a little over kill to me....the 65 watt bulbs are equivalent to 325w each, or so they say so if I've got 10 now isn't that like 3250w for my plants?! idk but that room is GLOWING now, lol. IMG_7213.jpg some of my leaves are curling under a bit. I read gregs grow bible last night and it said chem burn causes curling. I was slowly upping my all purpose fert before the transplant, maybe I mixed too much the last time. IMG_7218.jpgIMG_7219.jpgyou can see the edges curling and worn look of some of the leaves. the book said chem burn can leave crispy matter that flakes between your fingers. I have a couple spots like that. so i'm thinking maybe chem burn and root bound? I don't think I was overwatering them. not sure about my course of action now... will adding new nutes next watering at 1/4 strength be a bad idea if they were just chem burned about a week ago? they got watered good when they were transplanted sunday so that maybe flushed them a bit. they should be watered in a day or 2 should I wait until the watering after to feed them? or maybe 1/8 strength this time? I just don't want to mess them up. other than that they seem pretty good..... IMG_7215.jpgIMG_7221.jpg my 2 best bc kush, second one was topped, not sure if I should have done that but i'm experimenting here. we really gotta get this trailer done and fill it up!


New Member
I just realized too that they are on a 16/8 light cycle not 18/6, damn messed up when programming the timer and I can't even say I was stoned when I did it. which I fried last night with my shotty wiring job of the new light :shock: going to the store today, see if I can exchange my timer that "just stopped working" for a new one that works, lol.


Well-Known Member
once your soil has dried a bit water them every time till the water come out the hole in bottom this will ensure your using the correct amount.....if water is not seeping through the drainage holes then you simply haven't watered enough....
Not always true. It could also mean you have bad drainage if your water isn't running out the bottom...which could be bad news.