New grow - any advise apreciated


New Member
So my plants are almost at week 5, roots coming out of starter peat pots. Just got a grow tent kit from growace, a 5x5 with 600w hid. Am going to set up tent tomorrow, and transplant into Groboxes, with an automatic watering system. What I'd like to know is if they are ready to cut the tops so the branch out, and if the tops are big enough to make clones. (have clone gel, but need to get rockwool cubes). There are 3 different varieties, so I plan on taking 1 of each and keeping it as a mother.


absolutely.... I have always topped when third row of branches/leaves come out. They look really nice man... I just started a thread myself.. asking which is less stressful on a plant, if you TOP or FIM...?.... but, yours are ready to chop.....good luck :mrgreen:

Dr Smith

Active Member
Those plants look happy!

You can top them. I haven't had much luck cloning from the top myself. I usually pull from the middle or bottom branches.


Well-Known Member
They look good. They are big enough to top them. But definitely no where close to being able to take clones.