New grow from bagseed

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Fer those of ya that know me and have seen my grows before, welcome back, fer anyone just now checkin me out, welcome!
Any and all feed back is welcome and appreciated on this grow. I prefer not to be an internet warrior, but if pushed, we can "fight":lol:
So, I am starting w/30 (I think :eyesmoke:), bagseeds. I put them in jiffy pucks w/neutral water+2 drops (per gallon), of superthrive.
So far, nine have popped, and I quickly fabbed up a lil veg chamber out of an old fish tank I had layin around. The light was only turned on fer the pics, I wont turn it on til the first leaves pop out ;-)
These will be vegged until I either put them outside or have decided to flower em. This all depends on how quickly I pick up the clones that are to be added. I am going to be growin a few diesel strains, as well as a few others that I have heard good things on.
The grow is going to be done in the storage box grow room that I have attached to my sig. I am going to be doin a 16 oz cup grow (24 cups in all), so as to utilize my space to the max. I have read that it is very possible to get up to an oz dry from a 16 oz cup, and I am going to see wat I get. My hopes are not that high, as I am growing bagseed (I know that the seeds are all bomb bud, thats all I smoke, and it took me a year to save 30 (I think :eyesmoke:). I will have the expectations from my clones to be able to grow the max in my sq footage as possible.
I will be lollipopping these as well.
Wen the time comes to throw some outside, I do plan on sexing them as well. (These will not be lollipopped.) I may decide to keep a male, I have plenty of room to keep them apart and obstacles to further lessen the chance of pollination.
So, thats wat I'm workin with. The specs on the light and all of that is in the DIY in my sig, and I will be enriching the environment via Co2 tank, regulator, and timer. I am looking for a Co2 meter as well as a humidity meter, if n-e 1 knows where to point me.
Here's the first pics:
I dont know wats goin on but I loaded 11 pics 3 times, and still nothin! I'll try again tomorrow, or just watever. I pay fer this account, and since paying have had more probs than before buying elite! I strongly recommend against elite status, there are NO perks!!!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
stopped in to say hello and subscribe. i havnt seen your grows but will check out your links when i get a chance. good luck on your bagseed. its always better when you grow it yourself.


Well-Known Member
sea of green! sweet .... i really wanted to do a 16oz cup grow or maybe 24oz just couldnt find a lot of cups the right size when i needed them... so i used 5.25" square pots... GL with ur pics!


Well-Known Member
i was looking through the threads today and saw your cfl grow so i can't wait to see how this one turns out:) i'm subscribed to this one for sure:leaf:

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
So, here's pics @ day 2. I dont think anything else is gonna sprout. I was gonna do a real nice layout fer my journal, but due to the difficulties this site always has, I'm not puttin the time into it.



Active Member
definatly subscribing on this one.

you should check my fluoro grow out too.
Looks good so far. good luck :mrgreen:

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
I dont know wat happnd last night, but I couldnt get on here all night,which really pissed me off:cuss: I'm uploading all the pics from yesterday, including some interesting ones from my compost :o
I picked up 4 lil girls yesterday from Harborside in Oak (BTW, excellent dispensary!) I picked up a Sour Diesel, Hindu Skunk, Shiva Skunk, ans a Casey Jones (Diesel/Trainwreck). IMHO, I wouldnt have bought the CJ if I had seen that it doesnt look that healthy from the gate. Problem is, I'm f****ed cause I doubt the club a)gives a shit; or b) will not try to blame it on me (which will infuriate me!) So, I'm gonna give her some time, and she damn well better snap to!
I had 2 more pop yesterday, and looks like maybe 4 more over night! The 2 that popped yesterday are ready to go under the light today, and I will take pics after I put them in cups!
On a side note. . . I went out to my compost pile (I am mixin my own mix fer my outdoor), and after I pulled back the coverings, I found many pumpkin sprouts!!! I used 5 big pumpkins in my mix, (added them back in the beg of Dec, after no one made pies w/em :cry: Sure wasnt expectin to see all the sprouts:o My ole lady wanted me to let em grow, but I was like "hell no, I dodnt get no pie last year, this is dirt now!" So, here's some pics. There were about 40+ sprouts.
BTW, I was checkin on the compost, cause now is the perfect time where I live to do yer final amendments to yer soil!



Well-Known Member
I'm pulling up a chair for this one. I've read your other grow threads and I hope that this is exciting, as well. I have 8 seeds that sprouted over the past few days. No contest though. First time for me.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
OK, unfortunately, the last few days have been damn hectic fer me! I havent been able to take the pics that I wanted to, but wen the light goes back on, I'll snap some. In the last few days, more seeds have sprouted! I now have 20 seedlings, as well as the 4 clones.
Fer some reason, the tips of all of my seedlings are getting light on the first set of true leaves. You will see in the pics later everything that I'm talkin about. The CJ came w/rust or somethin wrong w/it! I noticed a lightness to the leaves the first day, but thought it might have been strain related, but the rust spots that appeared the next day are definitely not strain related. So, well see how everything looks in a few hours wen the lights are back on.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Heres the pics I said I'd take. Dont know wat the deal is. Hopin that the pH stabilizer I used was okay (fer fish and plants, it said), as well as the dechlorinator (safe fer plants and fish, as well).


Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Today is like day 9 fer the seedlings and day 7 fer the clones. I think that I have successfully saved the CJ:hump:, and all of the seedlings are looking good. Due to an accident a few nights a go, 1 of the seedlings was lost:cry:
Here goes some pics fer y'all. BTW, nutes will start as soon as every1 is thirsty:weed:
I wait until the leaves are starting to look a little starved to give the nutes. This helps the roots to grow stronger, knowing the independence that it takes to search fer the food they need

