New Grow Journal 1st Time Growing Need Help!!!


Active Member
So I pretty much know all the basic of growing by doing extensive research and know I am ready to start growing. I bought some Black Domina auto flowering feminized strain that came with a Great White Shark seed. I started germinating one of the Black Domina seed in the paper-towel method and after 2 day the shell cracked but less than a centimeter of the root tip came out after a day no progress was shown so I decided to take it out and germinate it right on the soil as well as another Black Domina and Great White Shark. It is day 1 for two of the seeds and day 4 for the other Domina. I have attached some pictures of my set-up, it is a very inexpensive set-up due to tuition and rent but I'm hoping it works. I have two CFL Full Spectrum lights 25W with 5000K. I used miracle grow moisture control. I really need some help because it has always been a dream for me to become part of the marijuana revolution and become a grower, if successful I will continue to pursue one of the funnest hobbies and make it into a lifestyle. Thanks for reading ;)



Well-Known Member
ummm could get to bud but you prb would get popcorn bud you want like atleast 75-100 total watts. but the mare light the better as long as temps stay 70-85 degrees during day


Active Member
Sorry I haven't been posting pics, kinda busy with work and school but my plants finally sprouted. Out of the three feminized auto flowering plants that I started with only 2 sprouted so I have one Black Domina and one Great White Shark growing now. It is day 8 today and both plants look healthy, I am worried because on one the BD embryonic leaves the tip is completely yellow, it might have something to do with how it sprouted. When BD first came out the shell was still on for a few days till I did some research and took it off myself (pretty easy wasn't stuck hard), also it is considerably short compared to the GWS. On the GWS there is a yellow spot also on one of the embryonic leaves but I have heard it is normal. I've attached lots of pics, the clear one is GWS and the red cup is BD, hope to get some feedback thanks :)



Active Member
lol, get ready for a wild ride man. growing is all about trial and error. learn from ur mistakes cause trust every grower makes em.


Active Member
Its is Day 12 and they look amazing. I transplanted them to bigger pots and to save on some of the light bill I place my plants by the window sill for about 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight. I live in the sunshine state so the sun is always beaming in my room. Here are some pics :)



Active Member
The BD is the short discolored one idk what happened, I guessed she was hungry so I started feeding both the BD and GWS flowering plant food. The fert is a 15-30-15 and i dilute it at 25% strength with 1 gallon water. I fed them yesterday and the soil is nice and moist. lets see what happens