New grow New cheap DIY setup

hey man,greenpower mentioned u gave a heads up on diy co2- could u throw them directions up again? I guess i missed what to use&how much? U get good results from this?
yea man its great 3 cups water 2 cups sugar and a packet or 2 i use 2 of activated yeast. 2 liter bottles are the best cut a hole in the lid shove a hose in there, poke some holes in w/e kind of hose you use run it above you plants because c02 is heavy and your done. When the bubbles stop and it starts to smell strongly of alcohol its time to change it =)

edit- I seen a good amount of change when they where smaller but it will help a good bit.... its not like shooting straight c02 to them but it deff helps and gives you an advantage
1 gallon milk jug
2 cups of sugar
1 packet of dry active yeast
put it all in the jug and add very warm (not hot ) water and mix.
poke a hole in the lid and your good to go. just add more sugar every 3 days or so.
Nice Co2 recipe . I have always thought those were dumb but in a small space a milk jug sized one I can see it . Might have to give it a try :) I have done dry ice b4 but I was unexperianced and noticed some differences but not much . It's inconvienant to store and buy . Cool u guys just inspired me to revisit the yeast deal will pick up some yeast when I head out today , I,m dialed in now and anything like this would help out .+rep

(edit)Sorry couldnt =rep u again .Give yourself a pat on the back for me:)

:leaf:KOQ Peace!
Glad to see ya king =) thx for stopin by. c02 does really help theres just many DIY c02 generaters out there this one seems the best =). ill be adding pics as soon as i get some FUCKING batteries
+rep to everyone in my hommie WvMade's journal ! (if it will let me)

You have a beautiful garden growing my friend ! keep it up man !
realy doesn't matter mix them anyway you want i put everything in then the water then mix a lil and booom your done =)
lol @ the pussy joke! I feel sorry for you non-medi staters. all worried about noise and filtration and shit. the only thing i gotta worry about is people hoppin' the fence! was gonna go get a gun but the cops don't look too kindly on db's in your backyard when your growing shit and all...fuck it if they take it they take it. it ain't worth a human life over Can't get a dog cause I live with my pops and he's cool with the mmj but if I brought home a little yipping machine THAT would fry his burger! any suggestions? barbed wire's out...