new grow pics 3 weeks flower under cfls


Active Member
my 2 girls are 3 weeks into flowering and seem to be standing proud. Been runnin CFLs since the begining and so far so good. let me know what yas think.



Active Member
just 4 100 watt cfl's. id like to run 2 more but didnt get out yey to get them. in the pics they are 3 weeks in jus by looking can anyone tell how much longer it will take for my buds to become BIG buds, lol pretty much how long do I flower for until harvest.


Well-Known Member
from now it looks like an indica so....yea youre looking at 8-10 weeks total flowering prolly 6-7 from now


Well-Known Member
just 4 100 watt cfl's. id like to run 2 more but didnt get out yey to get them. in the pics they are 3 weeks in jus by looking can anyone tell how much longer it will take for my buds to become BIG buds, lol pretty much how long do I flower for until harvest.
that 100 watt equivalent right?