New Grow room advice. 2 600w HPS 2 T5's


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I am a semi experienced grower and have been messing around with some ideas for a grow room. I figured id bring it here to ask the best, Ive read a lot of helpful information and had a few successful harvest thanks to everyones help. so thank you!

Ok so the new room im working with is 8ft x 13ft and only 5 ft 9 in tall. It is detached from the house so it has all outside air around it. My biggest concern right now is my air flow and what size/type Air Conditioning Unit to use to insure i have enough fresh air entering the room. And is a dehumidifier necessary? Other than that I am looking for some advice to build on what I already have.

I plan on using Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and Nutrient line up. And running about 14 plants in flower at one time under the hps lights.

Here it is.



Well-Known Member
BUMP. Just looking for any constructive criticism good or bad. Send it my way, Im just looking for advice in the functionality of my room. Im gonna go toke a bowl and hope i got some responses.


Active Member
looks like a really nice set up i would just make sure u have a good carbon filter to mask up all that oh so smelly air flowing out u your room/shed!


Well-Known Member
What is everyones thoughts on my setup? Will I have enough fresh air moving in and out of my room? My concern is what happens when my window A/C reaches the correct temp and shuts off, will it stop blowing fresh air into my room?


Well-Known Member
please some advice, i am used to growing in my house where I can take advantage of the central A/C. I just dont know how well the airflow is going to be when my only intake on my room is via the A/C.